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Ten healthy foods you may not have eaten yet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

   Good nutrition lies in the balance of the overall diet structure (that is, the combination of various food quantities and proportions), not in the choice of a single food. Like a war, success or failure does not depend on the gains and losses of one city and one place. However, certain foods are indeed of great significance to the balance of the diet structure, and can be counted as an important battle in the course of war, which must be paid special attention.

  Considering the current actual diet of most urban residents, I suggest introducing the following 10 healthy foods in the daily diet:

   1. Miscellaneous rice

  The so-called multigrain rice refers to the preparation of white rice, adding millet, glutinous rice, black rice, oat grains, barley grains, brown rice (need to be soaked in advance) and other coarse grains to make "two rice", "Three rice", "black rice", etc.; you can also add red beans, lentils, mung beans, kidney beans and other miscellaneous beans to the rice to make various kinds of bean rice. Sometimes, soy milk can be used instead of water to make soy milk rice (it can also be mixed with okara). In short, don''t eat pure white rice.

   The staple food is too fine to be harmful to health. The combination of coarse grains and fine grains is very important to maintain the balance of the diet structure and prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, and constipation.

   2. Whole wheat buns

  Wheat that has not been processed directly into flour is whole wheat flour. Its color is black, its texture is coarse, it contains more dietary fiber, and it is one of the most important coarse grains. Not only is it nutritious, it is also important for preventing chronic diseases.

  The whole-wheat buns on the market are black in color and mostly bran-like. Most of them are a mixture of part whole wheat flour and part refined white flour, and the ratio of whole wheat flour varies. Whole wheat buns have a good taste and a special flavor.

   Comparatively speaking, most of the whole-wheat breads are not well-deserved, many of them are mainly white flour, with a small amount of bran embellishment.

  3. Home-made soy milk

  The nutritional value of soybeans (most commonly soybeans) can be described as unique, according to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society’s "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007", you should eat 30 per day ~50 grams of soybeans (dry weight).

  Soybean milk can maximize the retention of water-soluble beneficial ingredients in raw materials, such as stachyose, raffinose, soybean isoflavones, soybean saponins, lecithin, etc., is one of the most recommended soybean products.

  Now the home-use soymilk machine is very good, fully automatic computer control, basically a fool type, the noise is not very loud. Put the soaked beans in, press the button a few times, wait less than 20 minutes, filter it, soy milk can be drunk, very convenient.

   4. Yogurt

   Compared with ordinary liquid milk, the nutritional value of yogurt is higher. This is because the fermentation not only makes the original proteins and minerals in the milk easier to absorb, but also synthesizes a small amount of B vitamins during the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria. Especially suitable for indigestion, the elderly, children.

   In addition, the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt are alive. After ingestion, it can promote the growth of the normal flora of the large intestine. It plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the flora, improving immunity, and improving constipation.

  Importantly, some adults are unable to digest the lactose naturally present in ordinary milk because of the lack of lactase in the intestine, which causes bloating, discomfort, abdominal pain or diarrhea after drinking milk . This phenomenon is called "lactose intolerance". Those who are lactose intolerant should drink yogurt. During the fermentation of lactose, lactose is decomposed into lactic acid. Therefore, yogurt does not contain lactose (or its content is very low), and the problem of intolerance will not occur.

  In addition to buying various flavors of yoghurt at the supermarket, you can also use the home yogurt machine to make yogurt yourself.

   5. Low sodium salt

   Low sodium salt refers to the salt with relatively little sodium content, that is, potassium chloride and magnesium chloride are used to replace part of the sodium chloride salt, generally sodium The content is about 25% less than ordinary salt, but its saltiness is basically the same as ordinary salt and can be used for normal cooking.

  As recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), only 5 grams of salt per person per day. At present, the average salt intake of Chinese people is about 10 to 12 grams, and northerners eat more salt. Controlling salt (mainly sodium) intake has a long way to go. How to reduce sodium intake to prevent high blood pressure while ensuring basic salty taste? It is a good plan to use low sodium salt.

  Many large supermarkets sell low sodium salts.

  6. The content of monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic acid) in olive oil or camellia seed oil (camellia oil)

   olive oil (or camellia seed oil) is up to 60% The above is much higher than the usual soybean oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, etc. Studies have shown that olive oil can reduce "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C) in the blood, and increase "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) in the blood, which is unique in preventing arteriosclerosis.

  Compared with a few years ago, olive oil (or camellia seed oil) in supermarkets is now more abundant and cheaper.

   7. Flax oil

  If olive oil is rich in oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acids) and is particularly beneficial for maintaining a balance of dietary fatty acids, then flax (seed) oil It is because it is rich in linseed oil (ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) and is particularly beneficial for maintaining dietary fatty acid balance. Flax (seed) oil contains about 50% linolenic acid. Therefore, following olive oil (or camellia seed oil), flax (seed) oil is widely concerned.

  Now, flax (seed) oil is sold in large supermarkets.

   8. Konjac products

   Konjac (English name Konjac) was called Konjac in ancient China, and Japan still uses such a name. The konjac is the underground tuber of the perennial herbaceous plant of the konjac family of the araceae. Widely distributed in my country''s Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei, Guangxi, Taiwan and other places.

   Amorphophallus konjac is ground into powder, and then can be processed into various shapes of products, such as filament, ball, block, strip, noodle, fish slice and so on. Can be fried, stewed, soup, shabu shabu, dim sum, jelly, can be eaten as a vegetable. Now, large supermarkets generally have sales.

   Konjac products contain very little energy, and the main ingredient is glucomannan (also known as konjac gum). This is a unique dietary fiber composition that helps control common chronic diseases such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and constipation.

  Weight loss is not suitable for consumption.

   9. Wakame

   Wakame belongs to brown algae and is a close relative to the seaweed that people are familiar with. In the coastal areas of Dalian and Shandong, they are also called "sea vegetables", "sea fungus" or "sea mustard".

   Most of the products sold on the market today are dry products, pickled products or fresh products. The most commonly used products in my home are dry products, which are sold in supermarkets or farmers'' markets (dry goods stalls). It is extremely convenient to eat, soaking just a few minutes before cooking. Then you can make soup, stir fry, boil, stew, hot pot, etc.

In addition to being rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, the greatest benefit of wakame is the brown algae polysaccharides contained in it. Studies have shown that brown algae polysaccharides are also a soluble dietary fiber and have multiple health care functions, such as Preventing blood clots, lowering blood lipids, lowering blood sugar, has a certain preventive effect on hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes.

  Because wakame contains more iodine, it is not suitable for patients with hyperthyroidism or other thyroid diseases.

  10. Soda water

  The soda water here refers to the soda water with sodium bicarbonate added to the ingredients, which is generally sold in the form of canned beverages, usually with carbon dioxide. Soda water with only carbonated gas and no added sodium bicarbonate is no longer within the scope of this article. Many people do not like the taste of soda, but the taste has improved a lot after refrigeration.

   Soda water (sodium bicarbonate) has a strong alkalinity. The kidneys can make urine alkaline. The alkaline environment is good for the kidneys to discharge acid (mainly uric acid). This is of great significance for the prevention of hyperuricemia.

  Hyperuricemia is not only the pathological basis of ventilation, but also a risk factor for atherosclerosis.

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