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All kinds of sesame oil

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-04

   One day, I suddenly remembered the tantalizing scent of sesame oil I had when I was young. After my lover heard about it, I bought a bottle of sesame oil and came back. After eating it, as expected, it is no longer the past fragrance. I didn''t think much at the time. Another day, I picked up the small bottle of sesame oil, and it turned out that there were two words on the side of the label that were written vertically, were extremely light-colored, and were not easily seen-"harmony." This is clearly a "mixed sesame oil"-a mixture of sesame oil and corn oil (indicated on the ingredients list).

   Sesame oil, also known as sesame oil. It is significantly different from other vegetable oils in many chemical, biological and physiological properties. Sesame oil is one of the very few vegetable oils that can be eaten without any refining. In addition to the squeezing method and leaching method commonly used in oil and fat processing, sesame oil can also be prepared by the "water substitution method", that is, it is not squeezed out with pressure or raised with organic solvents, but depends on water and protein under certain conditions. The affinity is greater than the affinity of oil and protein, so that the water is immersed in the oil to replace the oil. This is a unique processing method of sesame oil, which is said to have a history of hundreds of years. The sesame oil processed in this way is called "small grinding sesame oil", which has a delicious flavor and is generally used as a cold-adjusted oil. Not only is the small balsam oil rich in aroma, but also has the best nutritional value, because it retains the original nutrients in sesame seeds, such as vitamin E and sesame phenol.

  In addition to this small sesame oil, according to China’s national standard for sesame oil (GB8233-2008), sesame oil also has the following categories:

  mechanical sesame oil , Also known as sesame oil, sesame oil. As the name implies, it is extracted with an oil press. Sometimes referred to as "large tank oil" or large "groove sesame oil". It also has a significant sesame oil fragrance, the same use as the small grinding oil.

   Ordinary sesame oil, also known as finished sesame oil, is generally made of sesame as raw material, made of oil by organic solvent leaching and refined. It is characterized by a light fragrance, not as pronounced as sesame oil. Its cost and overall quality are also slightly inferior to sesame sesame oil, especially not as sesame oil. Many businesses use ordinary sesame oil as impersonation oil. Ordinary sesame oil is generally used as cooking oil, but also as a seasoning oil and raw material for making pastries, candy, food.

   The most embarrassing thing is "Mixed Sesame Oil" or "Mixed Sesame Oil", which is a blend of common sesame oil or sesame oil with other vegetable oils such as corn oil and rapeseed oil. The dilute "sesame oil" aroma is weaker, but some bad manufacturers will add spices to increase the aroma. There are many sesame blending oils now, and many products write the words "harmonic blending oil" very small or very obscure, and the words "sesame oil" writing are large or eye-catching, deliberately confusing consumers. More importantly, the national standard for sesame oil (GB8233-2008) does not have a standard for "sesame blending oil". On the contrary, the standard requires that sesame oil must not be mixed with other edible oils, nor should any flavors and spices be added to enhance flavor. Therefore, products such as "sesame blending oil" and "sesame blending sesame oil" are really "not justified", but they are popular. Obviously, this is a "side-sweeping ball" and "drilling for national standards."

   I have to tell everyone that when buying food, be sure to keep your eyes wide and look carefully, otherwise you will be easily deceived. Think of "olive blended oil" as olive oil, "seasoned honey" as honey, "yoghurt drink" as yogurt, "reprocessed cheese" as cheese, and chocolate candy as chocolate... and so on. It''s hard to prevent.

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