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Myth: Medicine is not as good as diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   In a general sense, "prevention of disease is more important than cure", "medicine is not as good as food supplement", "surgery to treat untreated disease" and other statements that emphasize the importance of preventing disease is undoubtedly very reasonable. However, these concepts are now used by many people to reject the regular treatment of diseases, splashing dirty water on medical treatments, or simply claiming to eat back the diseases that have been eaten. This is a sentence-the truth is the fall before the truth.

  Many health care product sales personnel endeavor to promote health care products to be safer than medicines and have the same medicine and food, so medicine is not as good as diet. It implies that even blatant publicity, health products can not only replace drugs, but also better than drugs. In addition, the concept of "the medicine is divided into three poisons" is deeply rooted in people''s minds, so this wrong idea that medicine is not as good as diet is deceiving many people.

   If you go to the pharmacy to buy the most common vitamins, such as vitamin C, the salesperson will definitely recommend buying vitamin C for health care products (usually more expensive), and oppose you to buy medicines (drugs) )''S vitamin C (usually very cheap), the reason is that medicine supplement is not as good as food supplement, health food is safer. In fact, there is no substantial difference between the two, they are exactly the same thing. In many cases, because the drug regulation is stricter than that of health food, the product of the drug standard is more reassuring. But the mistake of this kind of medicine tonic is not as good as food tonic is that there is a big market. We see that some big-name drug dealers have to launch products with health food batches whose ingredients are almost identical to the original drug standard products to meet " Market demand.

  Food and medicine (mainly Chinese medicine) have homology, but this does not mean that food and medicine have identity or have the same effect. When treating diseases, you must rely on medicines rather than food. The effect of food on disease is prevention or merely adjuvant therapy. Food, whether it is daily food (such as mung bean, eggplant, etc.), or including health food (such as spirulina, lecithin, etc.), can not replace the therapeutic effect of drugs (such as antihypertensive drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, etc.). Therefore, the statement and efforts to "eat back the sickness" are ridiculous.

   The occurrence and development of many chronic diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, are very complicated. So far, even the cause of the disease is not very clear. Eating imbalance is only one of the general factors, and it is by no means the entire true cause. Therefore, at present, these diseases can only be controlled with drugs, but they cannot be cured. Food, whether it is daily food or health food, can not cure these chronic diseases, and its control effect on the development of the disease is far less than that of drugs. Therefore, patients with chronic diseases should establish a sense of standardized treatment and scientific medication. Don''t be superstitious about some kind or some magic food or health supplement.

   exaggerates the role of food and is afraid of the side effects of drugs. It gives many health care product sales people and masters of the rivers and lakes the opportunity to use "medicine is not as good as food therapy" to make a lot of money.

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