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Is it a good parent for children to eat whatever they like?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   Over the past week, I have been doing feeding and diet surveys for infants and young children in Lijiang, Yunnan. In addition to me, there are two of my classmates, one from Guangzhou Zhongshan Third Hospital and one from Beijing Haidian District Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The survey was completed with the support of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. In the four-day period, our three surveyed a total of about 100 infants and young children, and surveyed more than ten families. Basically, the low-income Naxi infants and families are mainly dominated. The detailed analysis results have not yet come out, but the preliminary on-site investigation has left a deep impression on us.

   In the investigation of the parents of the children, the two sentences I heard most often, one sentence is "give the child whatever the adult eats"" and the other sentence is "give him what the child loves to eat." what". The first sentence mostly comes from families with lower income, and the second sentence mostly comes from families with good income. The subtext of these two sentences is the same: the child''s diet and nutrition must be determined by him (her), and the parents do not need to do anything.

   Therefore, the common impression of our three investigators is that the children here are really pitiful. Children with lower family income need not say that children eat with their parents and do not receive special care; family income Good children are just as bad, with very low intakes of eggs and milk, and frequent intake of drinks and snacks. Parents did not urge or guide them to eat the right food. Perhaps it can be seriously said that neither parent has fulfilled their responsibilities. This phenomenon is certainly related to poor economic conditions, but poor economic conditions are by no means the only factor. Lack of knowledge about diet, health, and hygiene plays an equally important role. From this, it is not difficult to understand that nutrient deficiency diseases are more common here, especially child rickets caused by vitamin D (and calcium) deficiency is very common.

   In short, no matter whether poor or rich, it is the duty of every parent (parent) to help or guide children to choose nutritious food to ensure the child’s healthy development. It is a pity that due to the limitation of development level, most of the parents here have not done their due diligence. Improving economic conditions is of course fundamental, but popularizing infant feeding knowledge is even more urgent. It must be pointed out that the parents surveyed are not lack of love for their children. On the contrary, we noticed that the parents who bring their children to be vaccinated (immunized) are usually two people, and some even three or four parents accompany their children. This shows that parents (parents) attach great importance to their children.

  The main purpose of our survey is to explore how to combine economic poverty alleviation with the popularization of infant and young child feeding knowledge, in the shortest possible time, and with limited poverty alleviation efforts, to develop infants and young children in poor areas Can be improved to the greatest extent.

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