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Drinking bone soup is harmful to patients

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

  Consult patients in the ward these past few days. I have encountered several patients who had postoperative or coma patients drinking (or feeding) bone soup to supplement nutrition. Some were recommended by clinical medical staff. Bone soup can''t supplement nutrition at all, it''s not surprising that family members don''t understand it, why don''t even doctors and nurses understand it?

  Bone soup contains only a small amount of nutrients such as amino acids and minerals, and its nutritional value is very low . I estimate its nutritional value is less than one-tenth of milk. Therefore, even if the condition allows only liquid food, bone soup is definitely not the first choice. Milk, eggs (flushing), rice soup, soy milk, etc. are better than bone soup.

  Of course, if you can’t eat normally for a long time (more than 7 days), you should choose a special enteral nutrition preparation (a slightly larger hospital is available, powder, liquid various dosage forms). If these ready-made enteral nutrition preparations are not acceptable, it is recommended to purchase a household juicer to make daily foods such as steamed buns, meat, vegetables and fruits into liquid and feed them to patients. Patients with trauma, postoperative or other emergency situations need to consume a lot of protein (and enough energy), and drinking bone soup can not be satisfied anyway. Drinking bone soup consumes the patient''s limited stomach capacity or fluid intake, which is bound to delay correct enteral nutrition measures. In this sense, drinking bone soup is harmful to patients-it must be emphasized that the harm of bone soup is not the bone soup itself, but that it will delay or interfere with the correct enteral nutrition measures. This is like taking medicine to treat a disease, medicine A to treat a disease, and medicine B to treat a disease. If you have to give the first medicine to the second disease, it is very harmful.

  Bone soup is mainly used for seasoning, but not for supplementing nutrition.

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