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Which bread is unhealthy

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   In recent years, all kinds of bakeries have blossomed everywhere, the more delicious the bread is, the more flavorful and more and more colorful, but its nutritional quality? Recent inspections by the Guangzhou Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau have shown that most of the bread "Bread improvers" are used in production. Some bread improvers contain potassium bromate that was banned in China in 2005, and some bread improvers have complex ingredients, including more than ten kinds of additives such as whitening agents and super soft powders. These additives are not marked on the packaging, especially in some street bakeries. In order to taste and sell, use bread improvers and food additives, which may not be all the hidden dangers.

  Generally, the following kinds of bread health risks are more serious and should be eaten less (I mean it’s better not to eat):

  1. Crisp or Crisp Bread: Contains a lot of fat, from the added shortening (hydrogenated vegetable oil), the shortening contains a higher proportion of "trans fatty acids", trans fatty acids harm the heart and blood vessels, long-term intake may also cause cancer effect.

   2. Bread with margarine filling: I am a little bit hard to understand why the bread is sandwiched with cream core, is it really delicious? Margarine is also hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is not high in nutritional quality and contains more trans fat.

  3. Butter bread: Although extra butter is added, although it has a special flavor, the fat content is extremely high, especially containing more saturated fatty acids. Often eaten is detrimental to the health of the cardiovascular system, and it is easy to gain weight— -Remember to eat only one-third of the normal amount when eating this type of bread.

   4. Especially soft (large volume, light weight) and tough bread: this is often the result of "low quality flour + a lot of bread improvers". Guangzhou Quality Supervision Bureau inspected and found that this type of bread had the biggest problem.

  Two breads of the same size, the bread on the right was kneaded and turned into a small dough, so the contrast is all because of the addition of food additives to the flour.

   In addition, the bread baked by the bakery with a fragrant aroma: Some bakeries have a strong aroma of baked bread, which can be smelled if they do not enter the store far away. The aroma is very suspicious. It has been reported that a bakery specializes in ovens to bake spices directly and distribute aromas to attract customers.

  In comparison, some breads are not bad and can be selected appropriately.

   Five kinds of bread can be selected as appropriate. As a whole, bread, especially flower-colored bread, especially those delicious flower-colored bread, the nutritional quality is not high, and a lot of flour is added Improvers, spices, trans-fatty acids... are really lackluster, just don’t eat them. But the bread is indeed delicious and convenient (compared to buns), I also like to eat bread (but not much actually eaten). I personally think that the following breads have good nutritional quality-the raw materials are relatively simple (coarse than fine), and there is no need to add too many modifiers or additives (health is more important than delicious):

  1. Da Lieba Bread (people who take black as beauty, don''t worry about using whitening agent)

   2. Whole wheat bread (note that some whole wheat bread is not true)

   3. Ordinary breakfast bag ( Simple, so good)

   4. French baguette (simple but not simple, exercise teeth and masseter muscle)

   5. Ordinary sliced bread (will not be too soft, otherwise it is difficult to slice )

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