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The benefits and drawbacks of eating seafood

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  In many places, seafood is one of the most popular foods, and Dalian people eat seafood especially. The seafood here refers to fish (such as various marine fish), bellfish (shrimp, crab, scallop, abalone) and mollusks (squid, jellyfish, etc.). As far as nutrition is concerned, seafood is very good and is the first choice for animal food. Its advantages are:

   1. High protein content and easy to digest. Its amino acid composition is relatively close to the human body and has high nutritional value. Many seafood foods also contain taurine, nucleotides and other components with special value.

   2. The fat content is generally lower than that of livestock meat, and the fat is mainly unsaturated fat (closer to vegetable fat), which is completely different from livestock meat and poultry meat. Most strikingly, seafood fat contains two special types of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids-DHA+EPA (docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid). The health benefits of these two types of n-3 (or ω-3) unsaturated fatty acids have been confirmed: ①Improve blood lipid metabolism in adults, prevent arteriosclerosis and heart disease; ②Promote the brain during prenatal and infant periods Development, make children smarter; ③ promote the development of vision of infants and children; ④ balance the body''s immunity, avoid excessive immunity, prevent and treat immune diseases such as asthma.

   3. The content of vitamins in seafood is comparable to that of livestock and poultry meat, but the mineral content is more abundant, which may be related to their long-term living in seawater rich in minerals.

   It is precisely because seafood has the above advantages that seafood food has been widely recommended. The Ministry of Health officially published the "Chinese Resident''s Dietary Guidelines 2007" in January 2008, recommending an average of 50 to 100 grams of fish and seafood per day. This is about 7 to 1.4 pounds per week, which usually means eating 2 to 4 times a week.

   However, the pollution of seafood (aquatic) food is often more serious than that of livestock and poultry meat on land. A basic reason is that the pollution of seawater, especially offshore waters, is relatively common and serious. Harmful pollutants in seawater, such as lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals will accumulate in the aquatic animals along with the food chain (bioconcentration). The pollution of shellfish seafood living in the sediments of the bottom layer of seawater may be more serious. In fact, both the US FDA and the Hong Kong Department of Health have issued a warning that "pregnant women should not eat too much seafood." The US FDA''s recommendation is that pregnant women should not eat fish and seafood more than 12 ounces (roughly 340 grams) per week.

  In China, the pollution situation of seafood is more complicated and serious. The phenomenon of using antibiotics and other drugs in aquaculture is very common. At present, there are more than 100 kinds of antibiotics used in aquaculture, covering almost all cheap and efficient antibiotics (usually with large side effects) used by humans, such as Chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, etc. In order to reduce the residual amount of each antibiotic drug in aquatic products during the testing, some farming owners have adopted a combination of multiple antibiotics to make the problem of antibiotic residues in seafood more complicated (testing the concentration of antibiotics for a single variety may not exceed the standard, but there are several The total amount of antibiotics is staggering). In fact, drug residues in aquatic products have become a major problem that hinders the export of Chinese aquatic products, but unfortunately, they have not attracted widespread attention in China. The "Treasure Fish Incident" and "Malachite incident" that have caused widespread concern are just the tip of the iceberg. To make matters worse, in addition to aquaculture owners, aquatic products will also use antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs, such as malachite, in order to maintain their freshness in the sales process (such as markets and hotels).

   Therefore, it is not advisable to eat seafood regularly (eg, every day, 4, 5 or more times a week). When my son was young, I often bought fish and shrimp for him. I always eat 3 to 5 times a week, but now I dare not, almost once a week. In addition, try not to eat the offal and skin of fish and seafood, because these two parts are usually the most polluted. Some hotels have the dish of "simmered or fried fish offal" (that is, various fish offal), which is really scary.

   Conclusion: Although seafood tastes beautiful and nutrition is excellent, but pollution and drug residues are in danger, don’t eat seafood too often!

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