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Lessons from Weight Loss-Diet Principles of International Model School

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-21

  Men and women who are engaged in modeling at home and abroad are always very eye-catching, and the competition in the modeling industry is also very fierce. It has become an industry that many boys and girls chase and envy. As an excellent look, you must have a slim and slim body, if you look It seems that being fat and bloated is tantamount to suicide in your career.

   Top international models pay special attention to their diets, because maintaining a slim and attractive body means success to some extent.

  The model recipes of the famous American "John Robert Power" International Model School are worthy of reference for handsome men and women who are losing weight. The recipe recommended by "John Robert Power" International Model School guarantees a total food calorie of 5,020 kilojoules (1200 kilocalories) per day, which is very popular among the supermodels.

  The main points of this "model recipe" are as follows:

   1. Learn to chew slowly The school requires models to eat slowly. Chewing the food carefully and swallowing the food slowly, it is easy to make the stomach feel full faster, and it will not lead to overeating at one time.

   2. Drink plenty of water The school requires models to drink a glass of water before each meal. After drinking water, it is easy to produce a feeling of fullness, which helps to suppress the excessive appetite.

   3. Don’t add more food every time you eat. This is a taboo for dieters.

   4. Don’t be hungry or eat Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. Stop eating as soon as you feel full, because normal people have a normal protective function, that is, once they are full, they will taste the same as chewing wax. And once you get fat, this function will be destroyed. Even if you are full, you will still "eat it", and the fatter the person, the lower the function.

  Do not add meals outside of the main meal. Before the meal time, even if you are hungry, you can only eat an apple or a small amount of low-calorie foods containing minerals and protein.

   5. Eat as much food as possible in a small bowl so that the amount of food taken at one time is not excessive.

   6. Eat less salt because salt keeps cell water in the body for too long.

  7. Persevere in reducing calorie intake If the average daily intake of 209 kilojoules (50 kilocalories) is reduced, 76358 kilojoules (18250 kilocalories) can be reduced in a year, which is equivalent to a reduction of 15.9 kilograms of meat .

   8. Dieting is limited to one meal. Although dieting can lose weight, too much is not beneficial to the human body, relax the mood, enjoy each serving, and make dieting reasonable and reasonable. This is what the season commander must pay attention to.

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