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What is the difference between eggs and duck eggs

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  Because someone is spreading the ridiculous statement that “can’t eat eggs while having a fever”, Benbo wrote Can''t I eat eggs when I have a fever? Teacher Fan not only expressed support in a message, but also conducted a more in-depth analysis of this problem-fever is no problem eating eggs: in-depth analysis. I believe that readers who have read this article should understand that there is no problem with eating eggs with a fever. Neither will it increase the fever, nor will it cause any nutritional problems. "Can''t eat eggs while having a fever" is purely meddling and self-confusing.

   But today I saw a similar saying "It’s better to eat duck eggs in fever than eggs", because "the fever is hot, you have to eat cold food. The eggs are hot, and the duck eggs and goose Eggs are cold in nature." This can be regarded as the harmful theory of eggs in disguise, because in my opinion, there is no evidence that eating eggs with fever can increase body temperature, and there is no evidence that eating duck eggs (or goose eggs or other eggs) can make the temperature of fever people When it goes down, then it’s unreasonable to guess that “duck eggs are better than eggs” when you have a fever! No matter what coat it is wearing (such as the traditional Chinese medicine saying about the cold and hot food), it can’t be considered true.

Furthermore, although the eggs and duck eggs are of different origins, the eggs are from chickens (dry birds), and the duck eggs are from ducks (waterfowl), but in terms of nutritional ingredients, there is no obvious difference between eggs and duck eggs. The ingredients are very similar.

  Although the numerical comparisons are not exactly the same, but considering the differences between different varieties of eggs or duck eggs and different places of production (especially the changes in the proportion of egg white and yolk), it can be considered that the eggs and duck eggs are basically the same . They are all highly nutritious foods and are suitable for people with fever. Of course, if you don’t want to eat eggs or duck eggs, you can eat other eggs if you have a fever (the same is true for healthy people); you can also eat meat and milk if you don’t want to eat eggs. Those speculative, unsubstantiated diet taboos that run counter to evidence-based medicine go to hell!

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