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Can bitter gourd reduce blood sugar

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  Some foods have been promoted as "best", "optimum", "best", "can... (glycemic, anti-cancer, etc.)", "ten healthy foods", " "Big Five" is a well-known "star", but in fact, just like many celebrities are just ordinary people who have strengths in some aspects, most of those auras are star chasers or fan fans. In addition, the "stars" in many foods also have many untrue names. It should be noted that this blog pointed out that these unrealistic celebrity foods and removing those auras are not to deny them, but to normalize them. Like other foods, they are just part of our diverse and balanced diet. Don''t expect them to have any special effects. Bitter melon is a kind of vegetable with good nutritional value. Diabetes can be eaten, so if it is "oral plant insulin", it makes no sense.

  Like pumpkins, the benefits of bitter gourd for diabetes are also exaggerated. In particular, some products claim to be "oral plant insulin" extracted from bitter gourd, which has caused great misleading for diabetic patients. What''s worse is that the relevant departments of the Ministry of Health have approved the use of certain bitter gourd extract products or labeled "plant "Insulin". As we all know, insulin is one of the most important, effective and best medicines for the treatment of diabetes, but its biggest disadvantage is that there are no oral preparations yet (the molecular structure of insulin is peptides, which will be digested into amino acids once it enters the intestine, thus Loss of hypoglycemic activity), can only be used by injection (bypassing the digestion of the intestine and directly into the blood). So it is not difficult to understand how tempting the "oral plant insulin" extracted from bitter gourd is, and many diabetic patients are rushing. In fact, although some studies have discovered a substance called "bitter melon polypeptide" in bitter gourd, and have shown a certain hypoglycemic effect in animal experiments, it has been suggested that bitter gourd seems to be able to Lowering blood sugar, but in the 1980s, the relevant part of the country had organized many units such as Guangxi Medical College to engage in large-scale clinical practice, and found that eating bitter gourd did not lower blood sugar. Up to now, there is still lack of rigorous evidence that eating bitter gourd, bitter gourd extract or "bitter gourd polypeptide" can reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients like oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin, that is, treatment of diabetes.

  On August 28, 2004, China Business News published the survey article "Oral Plant Insulin: A Fictional Artificial "Miracle"" The reporter interviewed several diabetes and insulin experts (including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, doctors, and clinicians), competent departments such as the Ministry of Health, heads of health care associations, merchants selling bitter gourd extracts, and deceived consumers. The conclusion is that it is purely false propaganda to describe bitter melon or its extracts as "oral botanical insulin" that can treat diabetes. Even the so-called Indian female scientist Hannah who invented the plant insulin, which is admired by the propagandists of "Plant Insulin", has nothing to do with it. On February 24, 2005, the "Health Times" published the article "Pedometer Helps Treat Diabetes" by Professor Zhao Lin of the Nutrition Department of the People''s Liberation Army General Hospital, mentioning that drinking bitter gourd water can cure diabetes. However, in the subsequent questions to readers, he also pointed out, "Many patients hope that there is a drug or a method to completely treat diabetes, which is unrealistic. The effect of bitter gourd on diabetes... However, some patients have heard that bitter gourd is beneficial to diabetes, so they eat bitter gourd all day instead of taking medicine. This approach is undesirable. … The reason why bitter gourd is beneficial to diabetics is not just to emphasize the role of bitter gourd, but to hope that patients can develop a healthy lifestyle. I want to remind patients that bitter gourds are definitely good for their health if they are eaten for a long time, but they can never completely replace medicines.”

  In short, similar to pumpkins, bitter gourds contain relatively rich nutrients, as a kind of Daily vegetable consumption is beneficial to diabetics, but its hypoglycemic effect cannot be exaggerated one-sidedly, and it cannot be considered as "oral phytoinsulin", nor can it be used to replace drugs.

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