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How to choose apple cider vinegar

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-15

  Apple cider vinegar, as the name suggests, is apple juice + vinegar. The benefits of vinegar will not need me to say, plus apple juice, which is both nutritious and digestible, is a good drink. However, since there is no compulsory national standard for apple cider vinegar, the process of producing apple cider vinegar by various manufacturers is inconsistent. The worst apple cider vinegar I have ever seen is actually prepared with vinegar mixed with some apple-flavored spices. How to choose a better apple cider vinegar? The following suggestions may be helpful (note that the nouns involved in the suggestions can generally be found on the label of the apple cider vinegar product packaging-especially on the ingredients list):

   1. Choose fermented, not prepared apple cider vinegar. Using apple (usually Guoguang apple) as raw material, after washing, crushing, and juice extraction, it is brewed into vinegar by liquid deep fermentation, which has the advantages of both fruit juice and vinegar, and has better nutrition. The apple cider vinegar blended with apple juice and acetic acid, because it has not undergone the fermentation process, the quality is slightly worse. Of course, blending with vinegar and apple flavors is even worse.

   2. Choose apple cider vinegar with high concentration of apple juice. A better quality apple cider vinegar product label will not only indicate the processing method (such as fermentation), but also indicate the content of apple juice (such as 10%, etc.). Poor quality apple cider vinegar usually writes some health care effects on the packaging, and avoids hard indicators such as processing methods and juice content. Of course, you can''t think that the higher the juice concentration, the better-it would be better to drink the juice directly.

  3. Choose apple vinegar with xylo-oligosaccharide added. Xylooligosaccharide is a kind of oligosaccharide, which can promote the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the large intestine and has the health care effect of laxative detoxification. Xylooligosaccharide has strong acid stability and is not afraid of acid, so it is suitable for adding to apple cider vinegar (many apple cider vinegar products are added). Xylooligosaccharides rarely produce energy, so they do not make people fat.

   4. In order to improve the taste, apple vinegar usually needs to add some sucrose. If you are afraid of getting fat, you can choose to add xylitol (without sucrose).

  The best way to drink apple cider vinegar is to drink after a meal, because the organic acid (acetic acid, malic acid, etc.) contained in it helps food digestion, especially if you eat more or eat it hard to digest. After food (such as boiled corn, sweet potatoes, etc.). Of course, drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach is also possible-except for people with too much stomach acid (most patients with gastritis and gastric ulcer). Apple cider vinegar can be used for cold dishes, but heating will destroy the nutrition of apple cider vinegar. If it is used by heating, it is better to use ordinary vinegar directly.

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