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Six categories of people drink milk is not harmful to health

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-17

   People’s misunderstanding of food is regrettable, and people’s attitude towards learning is surprising. I am in favor of understanding food with an unbiased attitude and a rigorous style. Any suggestion must be grounded; every taboo must have evidence. If there is no evidence, don’t talk nonsense, if you have one point, don’t talk about thirds, or you will spread the fallacy. Harm the audience.

  1. It is harmless for patients with iron-deficiency anemia to drink milk

  Milk has little iron content, so drinking milk has little help for iron-deficiency anemia. To supplement iron, eat meat , Internal organs, etc. But this does not mean that patients with iron deficiency anemia will increase anemia by drinking milk. Patients with iron deficiency anemia can drink milk (as part of a balanced diet). ——Like the iron content in the staple food, the absorption rate is also very low, but we cannot say that eating staple food is harmful to iron deficiency anemia.

   "The ferrous iron in the body is combined with the calcium and phosphorus salts of milk to form an insoluble compound" This reaction is purely imaginary and will never happen chemically. It makes no sense at all.

  2. Patients with reflux esophagitis eat less liquid food

  Patients with reflux esophagitis eat less liquid food (including milk, porridge, soup, etc.) as much as possible Food is more likely to reflux; patients with reflux esophagitis should not eat greasy food, because the rate of fat stomach emptying is relatively slow, and it is also easy to reflux. As a liquid food, milk is not particularly harmful to patients with reflux esophagitis. The correct advice is to eat less liquid food, rather than taboo milk.

  3. Patients after abdominal surgery can drink milk after two or three days of exhaustion

   "Patients do not drink milk after abdominal surgery", this statement ignores a key attribution: abdominal surgery Two or three days after the exhaust. Patients in this period should eat a liquid diet, such as rice soup, custard, lotus root powder, gruel and so on. Milk tends to be bloated, so don’t drink milk if you feel unwell after eating. There is no discomfort after eating, or after two or three days have passed, the patient can still drink milk after abdominal surgery.

  4. It is harmless for patients with gastrointestinal ulcers to drink milk

  In the 1960s, "milk therapy" was used to treat gastric ulcers, that is, large amounts of drinking (3000~4000 ml per day, Oral intermittent) milk to protect the gastric mucosa. As a result, it was found to have side effects, including increased gastric acid secretion and increased blood calcium (milk alkali syndrome). A small amount (such as 300 ml per day) of milk is not harmful to gastric ulcers. Patients with gastrointestinal ulcers can drink milk.

  5. Patients with lactase deficiency may drink milk a few times and many times

  Lack of lactase deficiency cannot digest lactose in milk, so symptoms such as bloating, discomfort, and diarrhea are likely to occur when drinking milk alone . However, it is generally not necessary to absolutely forbid milk, you can use a small amount of multiple drinking methods, you can also mix milk and other foods (such as steamed bread) to increase the tolerance of the gastrointestinal tract to lactose in milk. There is a better way to drink yogurt.

  6. Cholecystitis and pancreatitis patients can drink skim milk

  Cholecystitis patients after eating fat stimulate the gallbladder to contract and increase pain (not aggravating the condition). In fact, cholecystitis can increase pain in the acute phase of eggs, meat and other fatty foods. It is best to choose skimmed milk when drinking milk. As long as cholecystitis is not very serious or chronic, drinking milk is not a problem. It is generally believed that eating proper fat stimulates gallbladder contraction and promotes bile excretion, but it is conducive to cholecystitis.

  Acute pancreatitis usually requires fasting, and milk and other foods can not be eaten; chronic pancreatitis can completely drink milk.

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