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Eat coriander to lose weight

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-17

  In many restaurants in Dalian, after customers order, the waiter will ask: Is there any taboo? Should we eat green onion, garlic, and parsley? This shows (in fact, it is true), some people do not like to eat coriander, Because coriander has a special taste (people who like to eat coriander call it "scent", people who do not like parsley call it "weird taste"). Carrots and cabbages have their own love, so there is nothing wrong with it, but a report from CCTV’s Global Information List in May this year has attracted widespread attention:

  The report said that it has not been very popular in Japan. Coriander has recently been fascinated by many young people. In Tokyo, the first parsley restaurant "Coriander House" has a very hot business. There are a variety of dishes made of coriander, from raw coriander, fried coriander, to coriander ice cream, Coriander biscuits, the chef''s creativity brings out the unique flavor of coriander. According to the "New Express" report, the popularity of parsley in Japan is mainly due to the beauty of women who are eyeing its weight loss effect. Although the report clearly stated that "so far, there is no scientific evidence to prove that it has a weight loss effect", but the claim that coriander can lose weight is still circulating in the country.

  Some beauty salons in Dalian quickly implemented the method of eating coriander to lose weight. It is said that there is also a weight loss medicine brought from Japan. It is a coriander oil that is extracted from coriander essence and combined with other nutrients. Welcome to Ms. Mei. According to the "New Business Daily" report on 2008-05-12, two women have been suffering from gastrointestinal diseases due to taking coriander oil diet pills in the last month. "Ms. Sui, who is hospitalized in Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Dalian University, is 32 years old and is 1.60 meters tall She weighs about 60 kg, she has always felt that she is a little fat. Last month, she heard from friends that it is popular to eat coriander or use coriander to make tea to lose weight, and some beauty salons also sell topical and internal medicine. Coriander oil is a weight loss essence extracted from coriander and added a lot of nutrients to lose weight faster. Subsequently, Ms. Sui bought 2 boxes at the beauty salon she often visited, which cost a total of 360 yuan. However, this type of weight loss She took the medicine for only a month. Although she lost about 4 pounds of weight, she always felt uncomfortable, nausea, and urination, and then felt very weak, and sometimes felt dizzy. After going to the hospital for examination, the doctor suspected that she was taking weight loss The medicine may contain some kind of diuretic, which not only harms the gastrointestinal tract but also damages kidney function."

Can cilantro or cilantro oil lose weight? According to the case reported above, there are some examples provided by netizens. At least sometimes cilantro or cilantro oil can still cause weight loss. Why? In fact, the reason is very simple, because cilantro is difficult to eat (for some people, especially those who are effective in weight loss), anything that is unpalatable, disgusting after eating, and destroys appetite can be reduced The role of food (energy) intake to achieve weight loss. So it is not difficult to understand why for those who like to eat coriander, eating coriander will not lose weight, eating coriander oil is another matter, because it "may contain some kind of diuretic."

   In short, whether eating coriander can lose weight depends on whether it can destroy your appetite. If you don''t like to eat coriander, and force yourself to eat coriander, it destroys your appetite and reduces food (energy) intake, you can lose weight. If you like to eat coriander, unless you use coriander instead of rice, it is not helpful to lose weight. As for cilantro oil, the same holds true. In addition, it is easy to add medicines to cilantro oil.

   In a word, eating coriander to lose weight is just another guise about losing weight.

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