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Confinement of fruit confinement

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-17

   The so-called "confinement" refers to the period from the delivery of the fetus and placenta to the recovery of the maternal body and reproductive organs, which generally takes 6-8 weeks. Medically, this period is called the puerperium, and it is commonly known as "confinement." In the private sector, there are many opinions about what to eat or not to eat during the confinement period. We have noticed that the relevant statements in different regions are so different, almost reaching the level of "different winds in ten miles". In most parts of North China and Northeast China, according to traditional practice, only two foods, millet porridge and eggs, can be eaten during confinement; in southern China, especially in southern Fujian, confinement must eat sesame oil chicken and biochemical soup And fried rice. What''s more interesting is that many places in Henan have to drink "rooster soup" in confinement, while the custom in Guizhou is to drink "hen soup", and in Guangzhou, they should eat ginger vinegar and pork feet every day. However, there are some statements that are very popular and recognized by traditions in different regions, such as drinking brown sugar water and not eating fruits.

   "Ziyuezi" can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty "Book of Rites" , which has a history of more than 2,000 years ago. Sexual behavior. Although people have always been more willing to evaluate the pros and cons of confinement from a health point of view, fundamentally speaking, confinement is just the practice of folk custom in the name of health. Strangely, regarding the ancient taboo passed down from generation to generation, "I can''t eat fruit", I have consulted many ancient Chinese medicine books, but I didn''t find the source of this statement, so I didn''t know that I proposed not to eat fruit in confinement. the real reason. As a comparison, there are various other opinions about confinement, which can easily be found in ancient Chinese medicine books.

  Why can’t I eat fruit during confinement (or what bad consequences will there be if I eat fruit)? There are different opinions in different places, some say “bad teeth”, and some say “bad spleen and stomach” Yes, also said "Xu Han" , Or "watery", more often there is no reason at all, that is, they cannot eat. The most ridiculous part of certain taboos is that when the mothers sometimes try to break them, the mother’s only objection is based on the taboos themselves, and there is no reason to explain them at all, and even if there are, they are not credible. This is more in line with the characteristics of folk customs.

  What is folklore? A more typical example is the hanging Artemisia argyi in the Dragon Boat Festival, which is said to cure all diseases. Obviously, everyone knows that hanging a bunch of mugwort on the door is impossible to cure all diseases. Even if hanging mugwort is really helpful for health, it does not necessarily have to wait for the day of May 5, so people insist on this An ancient folklore is not really for good health, it is just a rhetoric, a ritual, a belief, a wish-a folklore. Confinement is not the same as eating fruit. It is just a folklore, which was originally not explained by medicine, but the problem is that once the folklore of "confinement cannot eat fruit" is implemented dogmatically, it is likely to be given to the body. Health has a negative impact, so it is necessary to understand it with scientific thinking.

   "Eating fruit during confinement is not good for teeth", it is barely understandable in the old society, because pregnant women have high nutritional needs, but low living standards, insufficient dietary nutrition intake, and lack of calcium in the body It is more common and more serious, resulting in loose teeth and weak bones, which makes many women''s teeth really bad after giving birth (so there is a saying "to give birth to a child to lose a tooth"). Compared with other foods, fruits are harder, cooler, and raw, and have higher requirements for teeth, so do not eat fruits during confinement (the same is true for taboos that cannot brush your teeth during confinement). Nowadays, people''s living standards have been greatly improved, and women''s physiques are not the same as before. The vast majority of pregnant women have very sufficient dietary nutrition intake. Calcium deficiency is not common or serious. Teeth and bones are not fragile and can be tolerated. The fruit is hard, cold, and raw. Then again, even if a small number of women have calcium deficiency and their teeth are not strong enough, they should pay attention to calcium supplementation. What is the use of avoiding fruit? Especially after many pregnant women have eaten fruit and are safe and sound, you still have It is unwise anyway to follow this ancient rumor tremblingly. What''s more, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that are difficult to replace with other foods. The first two are essential nutrients for the body to help achieve nutritional balance; the latter can promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function and prevent constipation. Not eating fruit is not conducive to a balanced nutrition and is prone to constipation.

  During confinement, people guide their lives based on folklore rather than science, and the more people who lack scientific literacy rely on folklore. In the first issue of "Chinese Behavioral Medicine Science" published in 2000, a survey report from Laishui County, Hebei Province, found that 77.5% of 283 rural women did not wash their hair during confinement, 52.3% did not brush their teeth, and 68.0% did not wash Lower body, 60.5% do not eat fruit, 71.9% mainly eat eggs and millet.

   These taboos, which are obviously unhealthy for health, are not deep enough to be discussed or modified from the medical level unless they understand the nature of their folklore. Therefore, some of the following common attitudes related to confinement confinement are shallow and one-sided:

   "It is reasonable to go into the village and follow the customs, and the old customs contain certain scientific principles. Guangzhou people choose to eat ginger vinegar after childbirth. The climate has a certain relationship."

  "In fact, these customs are often a summary of people’s experience in practice, and they have a certain scientificity and rationality..."

  "can be selected Bananas, oranges, apples, grapes...and some melons, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, melon, etc., because of their cooler properties in traditional Chinese medicine, it is recommended not to eat them for the time being."

  During confinement Some obviously unscientific folklore still have a large market in China in the 21st century, which is related to the Chinese cultural traditions. Chinese people like taboos. The variety of taboos is breathtaking. Marriage has taboos, meeting guests have taboos, travel has taboos, grounding has taboos, and even names have taboos. There are more taboos when confinement: no Bathing, not brushing your teeth, not seeing the wind, not eating fruits, not seeing outsiders, or even combing your hair. In fact, these are not the most outrageous. Ma Wangdui’s archaeological material "Ma Wangdui Silk Medical Book" has a recipe specifically marked as "extremely effective" to teach people how to have a boy. Before this month, I went to find two green-backed caterpillars, swallowed them, and gave birth to a boy. Fortunately, such recipes have not spread to today.

   As we all know, most countries in Europe and the United States do not have the custom of confinement confinement. Of course, this does not mean that confinement confinement in China must be wrong, but at least give us some tips: many ancestors have uploaded it This is not necessary. On April 6, 2004, "Zhejiang Daily" published the experience of Ms. Xi, who settled in the United States after studying in the United States. She said that the nurse sent two large glasses of ice cubes to eat on the day of delivery, and said that she was in the United States. The husband’s elder sister (ie the eldest aunt) didn’t understand the Chinese women who gave birth without touching the cold water. She said: “You just listen to people saying that you will fall sick and haven’t experienced it. Why not risk it and try it? Yeah, Why not take a chance and try it? The Chinese have always been reluctant to take risks, let alone take risks, just do not take risks. It is very difficult to make changes that are known to be correct. So, we see that many people still believe Can''t eat fruit during confinement" and some other taboos.

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