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What to eat on fire in another place

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

   Some netizens leave me a message and ask questions as follows:

   Hello! Uncle Wang. It''s great to see the blog you wrote. I have a question for you: I am from Fujian and come to Qiqihar to study. I am not used to eating and eating here. I like to have soup when I eat. I am also very concerned about eating. I think I belong to a physique that is easy to get angry. The food in the north is basically hot. I am very troubled. I don''t know what to eat. . My body is very hot now. I can only eat Huanglian Shangqing tablets to go to the fire... three meals a day has become a problem. I even thought, forget it, I would have a meal in the morning and no longer in the afternoon and evening. Treated as a weight loss... Because I don’t know what to eat...I also like drinking water...or what kind of fruit can go to the fire? Pear? Is it? Help me...Thank you!

  Netizens mentioned The problem of "getting angry" in different places is still quite common. A more accurate description of this phenomenon is "not satisfied with water and soil". A Fujianese, who traveled thousands of miles to live in Qiqihar, will have a great deal of habit and incompatibility in terms of climate, water quality, diet, and life. ", such as constipation or diarrhea, mouth ulcers, angular cheilitis, skin pimples or acne, bitter mouth, etc., vary. The reasons for water and soil dissatisfaction are more complicated, and some of them cannot be fully explained. However, I think the main reason for your getting angry is that the spring climate in the north is very dry, and obviously you are more used to the humid climate in the south.

  I give you the following suggestions:

  1. Drink plenty of water (you need to drink it in small quantities and multiple times) to go to the fire, but choose bottled pure water to avoid local water quality as much as possible Impact.

   2. Drink light green tea or clear tea. If the constipation is not serious, it is better to drink Kudingcha.

   3. Fruit selection of strawberries and watermelons in season, especially watermelon (and watermelon peel). Even the out-of-season pears and apples.

   4. Eat regularly at every meal, eat regularly, and don’t think about losing weight when you get angry.

   5. You should eat some fungus, mushrooms, wild vegetables and the like that are commonly eaten in the local area.

   6. Choose some bitter food, such as bitter chrysanthemum, bitter gourd, etc. can go to fire.

   7. If possible, often eat some hometown (or similar hometown) food, which has some psychological implications for the body.

   8. Eat raw vegetables, such as cucumber, shallot, bitter chrysanthemum, lettuce... you can go to the fire (that is, localize eating habits).

   9. If there are conditions, you can choose a "moisturizing spray" (a type of skin care product) that can be sprayed on the face at any time to avoid the skin being too dry.

   10. When sleeping at night, sprinkle water on the floor of the net room, or wash some clothes (with water, don’t spin dry) and hang in the room.

  11. Try to take a bath every day, if possible, steam in the sauna or go to the steaming hall.

   In short, you can cope with the dry spring in the north by adjusting the details of life-mainly to increase moisture and humidity. The body has a strong ability to adjust, I believe that your symptoms will get better after a while.

Finally, I wish you a happy life in the north. From the south to the north (or from north to south like Benbo) is a good life experience. Overcoming difficulties and gaining a lot.

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