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The best time to eat toon

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

   Toon is a kind of tree, and its young leaves are fragrant and edible in spring, so we actually eat toon buds. The toon buds have a unique taste and are more "eat spring" and "welcome spring", so they are very popular. In addition, there are not many buds to eat and the time limit is short, so it is more precious. The price of toon that I bought on the market on April 11 was as high as 30 yuan/kg.

   Toon is eaten in many ways. It can be fried meat, scrambled eggs, steamed, deep-fried, cold tofu, rice noodles, jelly, and cold noodles. Pickled toon buds and toon leaves are also common in some areas. There are also processed into toon mud, toon sauce, toon rot. However, the most common way to eat it in Dalian is scrambled eggs with toon, which is also my favorite way of eating. The method is as follows:

   1. Wash the toon buds (about 200 grams) and boil them with boiling water (Note ①), then remove and put in cold water to cool, remove the cold minced.

   2. Knock the eggs (4~5) into a large bowl, add toon and salt, and stir into egg paste.

  3. Heat the oil in the pan, after the oil is hot (the temperature is slightly higher, note ②), pour the egg batter into the pan, stir fry until the eggs are tender and cooked, (note ③) just install the plate. (Note ④)

  Note ① Regardless of the method used to cook toon, it is best to use boiling water to blush it, which is not only conducive to maintaining bright colors and crisp and tender taste, but also can be removed

It contains more nitrite, according to the data provided by the National Vegetable System Engineering Research Center Tang Xiaowei ("Global Times" April 26, 2005, toon washed in cold water, the nitrite content is 34.1 mg per kg , And only 4.4 mg per kg after boiling with boiling water. Nitrite is a common harmful substance and has a certain carcinogenic effect.

  Note② Some authors advocate that the oil temperature should be as long as seven mature at this time Yes. The actual operation shows that a slightly higher oil temperature when scrambled eggs is more conducive to the senses of the dishes and shortens the heating time.

  Note ③ Some authors suggest that at this time, "dip a little cooked oil" before leaving the pot. Take. In addition to the fact that more oil is not good for health, at this time, adding oil is not conducive to maintaining the fragrance of toon.

  Note ④ There are also authors who advocate that scrambled eggs should be scrambled separately until they are in pieces. , And then toss the toon to stir and season it out of the pan. The effect of this method is obviously not as good as the previous method, maybe it is only suitable for cooking marinated (rather than fresh) toon, but because it contains a lot of nitrite, I don’t approve of marinating Toon.

  Even scrambled eggs from toon can be used to make fried toon eggs. The procedure is basically the same as scrambled toon eggs, except that you need to put more oil-that’s why I disagree with this method. Oil More harmful to health.

  When the oil is put in more, you can make fried toon eggs, that is, the well-known "fried toon fish" in some places in Shaanxi and Shandong, the general approach is as follows: toon (about 200 grams) ) Wash, slightly boil with water, control water, and stick flour; mix egg liquid with salt, flour, cooking wine to make egg paste; put 100 ml of oil in a hot pot and cook, wrap the toon buds that stick to the flour with egg paste and put in It can be deep-fried and removed in the pan (try to make small noodles like fish when frying, so it is called fried toon fish, dipped in pepper and salt when eating.) There are three mistakes in this method: first, frying destroys nutrition; second, a large number of photos Adding oil is not good for health; third, a large amount of oily incense masks the fragrance of toon. So, in my opinion, this is the worst toon cooking method. It is more suitable for the era of poverty and lack of meat. It is not necessary to eat now.

< p>  In addition to "fight a life and death" with oil, toon can also be used for oil-free cooking, which is also the method of eating toon that I admire, mainly:

   1. Toon bud mixed with tofu: toon After washing the buds, pickle them with salt, knead them, and pickle them for about one night. Cut the toon buds into minced pieces, then put the tofu and toon buds into the dish and sprinkle. Add refined salt, drip sesame oil, mix well and serve. (Another method is to use fresh oil to stir-fry fresh toon and add tofu tofu)

   2. Toon noodles with garlic juice (or fried noodles) ): Wash toon buds, mix with a proper amount of garlic cloves, mash them together into a paste, add sesame oil, soy sauce and cold boiling water and mix well. Serve with noodles (or fried noodles).

< p>  3. Toon soybeans: Soybeans should be soaked in warm water, toon buds should be washed and cut into fine powder, salted and marinated in boiling water. Then mix the two together.

   4. Bittern toon: Fresh toon can be marinated with fine salt and eaten as pickles.

  The above toon cooking methods are relatively simple, and some are more complicated if you want to come:

   There are some toon cooking rules that are noisy and slightly far-fetched, such as the "full" Han Shuangpin.

  According to the convention, after eating toon, some toon knowledge should be listed for the fans to refer to:

   1. Health knowledge related to toon:

   1. Toon buds contain a variety of nutrients. Some people rank it as the top vegetable based on the content of various nutrients. These data are also cited by a large number of web pages. Toon nutrition is indeed good, but to say The "first" and "highest" are undoubtedly timid. The reason why the toon nutrient content is higher than most vegetables is because it is a woody vegetable with low moisture content and a high proportion of "dry goods", which leads to a relatively high proportion of other nutrients. This is an illusion, and may not be the highest.

   2. Chinese folks have been saying "to eat toon, not to be infected with miscellaneous diseases" since ancient times. Traditional medicine is also very optimistic about toon, and "Tang Bencao" says that its "leaf Boiling water can wash sores, scabies, wind, and gangrene"; "Compendium of Materia Medica" says that it is "new shoots to eat, eliminate wind and dispel poison" (Yinyue yuè, meaning to cook and cook); medical works in the Han Dynasty "Shengshengbian" 》It also says “Toon will eat, eliminate wind and dispel toxins.” Chinese medicine believes that toon is bitter, cold, non-toxic, has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, strengthening stomach and qi, moisturizing eyesight, killing insects, etc., and mainly treats sores and hair loss. , Mu Chi, lung fever, cough and other diseases. However, it should be noted that the functions referred to in Chinese medicine are not unique to toon buds, but include their buds, leaves, bark, root bark, seeds, etc. In addition, As a control, Chinese medicine believes that the role of a bowl of rice is "sweet and warm, conducive to urinate, stop polydipsia, nourish the spleen and stomach,''the effect of "invigorating the middle, Yixue, Shengjin"."

  3. Many so-called home remedies and diet therapy methods use toon to treat various diseases. I don’t think it’s reliable.

   4. According to "Therapeutic Materia Medica", "Thun buds eat more food and wind, smoke ten meridians, five organs and six organs." , It is dizzying and bloody. If it is full with pork and hot noodles, it will cover the meridian." If this statement is true, you should not eat too much toon.

  5. Modern medical research has found that there are many active ingredients in toon , And preliminary separation of certain chemical components such as flavonoids and saponins, it was found that the total flavonoid content of the tender branches and leaves of Toona sinensis was 3.37%, compared with the content of flavonoids in ginkgo leaves (2.4%~2.8% ;) Be higher. Certain flavonoid compounds have significant medicinal physiological effects, such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-allergic, anti-viral, eliminating oxygen free radicals, regulating blood lipids, softening blood vessels and enhancing the vascular tone, And low toxicity. Therefore, it can also be used as natural additives for food and cosmetics, such as sweeteners, antioxidants, food colors, etc.

  Second, the cultural interest related to toon

1. Toon longevity, Zhuangzi''s "Xiaoyaoyou" said: "In ancient times, those who had a big toon, took eight thousand years old as spring and eight thousand years old as autumn. "Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also shows that toon lived long. Li Shizhen''s "Compendium of Materia Medica" also said: "Chen Chang is easy to grow and longevity." People often use "chun years" and "chunling" to wish the elderly longevity. It is also used to Refers to the father. There is also the term ash oak (also known as barnyard wood), the original meaning of which is Ailanthus altissima and Tussah tree, which is a metaphor for useless wood, which is mostly used for self-humility.

   2. "Book of Songs · Xiaoya · Hongyan" "Which I Walk in the Wild" has a cloud:

  Walk in the wild and cover her. The reason for the marriage is to live in it. If you don’t live, you can restore my country.


  I go to the wild and talk about it. The reason for marriage is to talk to you. If you don’t live, you can go back to your thoughts.

  I go to the wild and talk about it. Don’t think about old marriages, ask for newness. Success is not rich, but also unique.

  Among them: 栗(出chū) refers to toon.

  It is often said In ancient books, I saw a lot of Ailanthus and less Toon. In Zhuangzi''s leisure travel, Ailanthus also appeared in front of the world as a useless thing, thus avoiding the harm of people''s desires to pursue the wind and the shadows, so that Ailanthus Keep a happy and pure worldly mind. (Quoted from "The Flora in the Book of Songs".)

   3. Botanical knowledge related to toon

  1. Botany of toon:

  Common names: Mountain Chrysanthemum, Tiger Eye Tree, Tiger Eye, Erythrina. Anciently called Chun

   Scientific name: Toona sinensis (A.Juss.)Roem.< /p>

  English name: China Toona

  family name: Meliaceae

  Description: Deciduous tree, up to 15 meters. Dark brown bark, flakes flake; young Branches pilose. Double pinnate compound leaves, 25-50 cm long, with special aroma; leaflets 10-22, opposite, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 8-15 cm long, glabrous or The lower veins have long tufts of hair. The panicles are terminal; the flower is fragrant; the calyx is short; the petals are white and ovate-oblong; the degenerate stamens 5, alternate with the developing stamens. The capsule is oval, 1.5-2.5 cm long; seed ellipse Shaped, with membranous long wings at one end. Flowering period from May to June and fruiting period in August.

  distribution: cultivated everywhere, mostly planted by the roadside of the village; distributed in North China to southwest provinces.< /p>

  Usage: sprout edible; fine wood texture, shipbuilding and building materials; wood chips and roots can be used to extract aromatic oil, used as a flavoring agent for cigar tobacco abroad; seeds can be squeezed oil, oil content 38.5&# xFF05;; The root bark and fruit are used as medicines to converge and stop bleeding and moisten and relieve pain.

   2. Botany of Ailanthus altissima:

  Common name: Chun tree or wood hull tree, anciently called barberry . Named for the odor of glandular spots at the base of the leaf.

  Scientific name: Ailanthus altissima Swingle

  English name: Ailanthus

  Family name: bitter Wood Branch Simaroubaceae

  Description: Deciduous trees, up to 20 meters in height; new branches reddish brown, pithed. Pinnate compound leaves 30-50 cm long, leaflets 13-25, oblong-ovate or lanceolate-ovate, apex acuminate, base oblique, 1-2 large serrations near the base, large tooth end Gland point. The flower is small and integrates multi-branched large panicles. Samara is oblong, yellowish-brown when mature, has 1 seed in it, and is located near the middle of Samara. Flowering period from April to May, fruit ripening period from August to September.

  distribution: It is a positive tree species in various areas, and it is born on the slope or shrub of Xiangyang. It is cultivated in front of the house in the village and is often planted as a street tree. It is distributed in the north, east and southwest of China, southeast To Taiwan Province.

  Usage: It can withstand drought and salinity, and has a fast growth rate and strong resistance to toxic gases. It can be used as a greening tree species in cities, industrial and mining areas and rural areas. The root bark and stems are used for medicinal purposes, and have the effects of dryness, dampness, heat, inflammation, and hemostasis; the bark contains gums; the leaves can be fed with arbuscular silkworm, and the extract can be used as soil pesticides; the seeds contain fatty oil 30-35%, which is semi-dry Oil and residues can be used as fertilizer;

  3. Methods for identifying toon and ailanthus:

  Although toon and ailanthus belong to two different families, the forms of the two are similar. It is easy to confuse the two tree species, the difference is:

  Look at the leaves: the root of the leaf of Tsubaki leaves is light green and the tip of the leaf is yellowish brown; and the root of the leaf of Ailanthus altissima is dark green, and the tip of the leaf is gray-green. In addition, the edges of the toon leaves are sparsely serrated; the leaves of Ailanthus altissima are not. In addition, a bigger feature is that the number of leaves of each branch of toon is always double. For example, six pairs, seven pairs, eight pairs, etc. The number of leaves of each branch of Ailanthus altissima is singular. It is always a few pairs away, and another piece grows at the upper end to form six and a half, seven and a half, eight and a half.

   Smell: Toon and Ailanthus can also be identified from the smell. You can rub a leaf with your hands and smell it with your nose. The fragrance is toon; the smell of pungent soap is Ailanthus altissima. The fruit is stinky and pungent, and that is Ailanthus altissima.

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