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What are the symptoms of anemia in children?

BY Carol Carey 2019-12-06

  The symptoms of anemia in children are related to its type. The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include general symptoms, hematopoietic organ symptoms and other symptoms. Symptoms of megaloblastic anemia are mainly skin sallow and mental and nervous system symptoms. The symptoms of hemolytic anemia include acute hemolytic symptoms and chronic hemolytic symptoms.

  If a child is born Physical health is a matter of course, but not everyone can do what they want, and some children will develop anemia after birth. Pediatric anemia is a relatively common disease, and there are many different types. Common ones are iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, and hemolytic anemia. So, what are the symptoms of pediatric anemia?
  First, the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia
  1. General symptoms
  Children with iron deficiency anemia in which the skin and mucous membranes will Gradually pale, of which the lips, oral mucosa and nail bed are the most obvious. In addition, children often feel tired and weak, and they are easily irritable. They often cry or lose their energy. They usually don''t like activities and their appetite will also decrease significantly.
  2. Symptoms of hematopoietic organs
  Children with iron deficiency anemia often have mild enlargement of the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. The younger the age, the longer the course of disease. The more severe the anemia is, the more obvious the phenomenon of liver and splenomegaly, but generally no more than moderate conditions.
  3. Other symptoms
  Pediatric iron deficiency anemia may also cause other symptoms, such as oral mucosa and anus inflammation, anorexia, etc., sometimes accompanied by digestion Bad, vomiting or diarrhea. Children with severe anemia will have symptoms of enlarged heart, and even complicated heart failure.
  Second, the symptoms of megaloblastic anemia
   Children with this type of anemia usually have waxy yellow skin, may have a slight puffiness on the face, and their hair is relatively fine and yellow Sparse. There may also be neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as unresponsiveness, mental and motor development, or even regression, and severe children may also have neuropathic lesions, such as irregular tremor.
  Three. Symptoms of hemolytic anemia
  1. Symptoms of acute hemolysis
  If it is acute hemolytic anemia, the onset is usually They are more rapid, and are accompanied by high fever and chills. Some patients will also have gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, patients will have heart failure and acute renal failure.
  2. Symptoms of chronic hemolysis
  The disease of chronic hemolytic anemia is very slow, and the course of disease is relatively long, usually with intermittent attacks. During the course of the disease, hemolytic crisis may be caused by infection and other factors, mainly manifested by sudden anemia and jaundice, accompanied by fever and chills; some children will have aplastic crisis, mainly manifested as temporary bone marrow hematopoiesis Sexual suppression, anemia worsened, and severe bleeding.

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