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The secret of rice health

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-05

  In our lives, rice is often inseparable. Rice appears on our table as our staple food, and we often eat it, but I believe many people do not know the function and role of rice. Let''s understand the secret of rice health.

  Efficacy and role of rice

   1. The composition of amino acids in rice is relatively complete, and the protein is mainly rice refined protein, which is easy to digest and absorb.

   2. Rice is rich in B vitamins, which is an important therapeutic resource for preventing beriberi and eliminating oral inflammation.

  3. Strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, benefit the essence and strengthen the body, quench thirst and relieve diarrhea.

  4. When cooking rice porridge, there is a layer of thick sticky substance on top of it. This is rice oil, also known as porridge oil. Frail people are most suitable for consumption.

  5. It has the effects of invigorating qi, invigorating the spleen, nourishing the stomach, strengthening the essence, strengthening the spleen, viscera, tonifying blood, concentrating eyesight, stopping anxiety, quenching thirst and stopping diarrhea.

  The most nutritious is rice

  The ordinary rice used for making rice, also known as japonica rice or polished rice, is translucent oval or oval, The rate of rice production is high, the expansion of rice grains is small, but the viscosity is large. As a daily edible rice, japonica rice contains essential nutrients such as starch, protein, fat, vitamin b1, niacin, vitamin c, calcium and iron, which can provide the nutrients and calories needed by the body.

  Porridge with japonica rice for health and longevity has a history of 2,000 years in China. The top layer of porridge oil in japonica rice porridge can replenish the fluid and fill the essence, which is beneficial to nourish the yin and kidney essence of the human body. The most suitable for patients, maternal and elderly.

   Japonica rice has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating qi, nourishing yin and invigorating, eliminating anxiety and quenching thirst, solidifying bowel and diarrhea, etc. It can be used for diseases such as weakness of the spleen and stomach, anxiety, malnutrition, frailty, etc. However, diabetic patients should not eat more.

  How to eat rice health

   rice is rich in protein, fat, starch and B vitamins. Secondly, rice also has a very good health effect, which can nourish qi, invigorate the spleen and nourish the stomach, and strengthen the five internal organs, tonify the blood vessels, relieve diarrhea and quench thirst.

  Rice is easy to use with potatoes, sweet potatoes, and taro. In this way, the utilization of amino acids can be improved, the excretion of low-density cholesterol can be promoted, life can be prolonged, and the body''s immunity can also be enhanced.

  Rice can be eaten with mung beans, millet, and black rice. This can clear away heat and detoxify, moisturize throat and quench thirst. It can also strengthen people with poor spleen and stomach and weak bodies. Together with black rice, it can be used for appetizing Yizhong, warming the liver and spleen, and promoting blood circulation. It is recommended to eat more after postpartum, anemia, and kidney deficiency.

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