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All kinds of whole grains

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-05

   Speaking of whole grains, everyone is here. No matter which kind of coarse grains in the whole grains, it will bring a lot of benefits to our bodies. Do you know what the effects of the whole grains are? Let me explain to you.

  The reason why wheat has become an important grain in the world is because

  1. In most parts of the earth, soil and climate are suitable for wheat Growth

  2. Wheat has a high yield per unit area and is easy to plant

  3. Mature wheat has good storage and rich food value

  4. Wheat mill To make flour, you can make many different products

  5. Wheat has no waste. After grinding into flour, its by-product bran can be used as animal feed.

  Seven benefits of eating more whole grains

   1. The whole grains can prevent disease

  Vitamins in whole grains C, can relieve fatigue symptoms, prevent colds, lower limb pain and other diseases; iron can prevent stomach ulcers and loss of appetite; potassium can also avoid muscle paralysis, depression and general weakness, etc.; and trace elements such as copper and zinc can improve mental depression , Insomnia and other symptoms, as well as the effects of increasing appetite, improving weight, and adjusting appetite.

  Second, the whole grains make people healthier

  The rich nutrients contained in the whole grains have the effect of preventing diseases and maintaining health. For example, the unsaturated fatty acids contained can soften blood vessels Cholesterol in the body can reduce cardiovascular diseases; many dietary fibers can effectively slow down the absorption of sugar, and reduce the rate of blood sugar rise after eating, so that insulin has an effect, so it is also very helpful for diabetic patients.

  Three, whole grains can prevent cancer

  bean foods are rich in protein, amino acids and B vitamins, etc., have good anti-cancer effect, often eat to prevent tumor lesions; Vitamin A helps cell division in the body, prevents the formation of cancer cells, and can help the immune system to react, making antibiotics; rich dietary fiber can shorten the time that waste stays in the intestine to reduce the chance of carcinogens and intestinal mucosa contact , Help prevent constipation and colon cancer.

  Four and five grains can help you remove toxins from the body

  Magnesium and iron can strengthen body energy and accelerate waste metabolism in the body. The dietary fiber rich in grains and grains will not be digested in the intestine, and it can also adsorb water molecules, which can make food residues or toxins run in the intestine and quickly excrete the body to achieve detoxification; vitamin E can help blood circulation and accelerate detoxification effect.

  Five grains and grains make people smarter

  The protein in grains and grains can enhance the function of cerebral cortex excitement and suppression, improve brain metabolic activity, enhance efficiency; and the human body The eight essential amino acids, such as lysine, can activate the brain, which is helpful for the elderly with memory loss and children in the developing stage of the brain; glutamic acid can improve the brain mechanism and treat dementia. In addition, it is also rich in phospholipids, which has a good effect on the development and activity of brain nerves and can enhance memory.

   Six grains of grains make people more beautiful

  The rich grains of vitamin A in grains of grains can keep the skin and mucous membrane healthy; Vitamin B2 can prevent acne; Vitamin E Can prevent aging and dry skin. Other ingredients, such as fatty oil, volatile oil, and linoleic acid, can moisturize the skin and make it smooth and delicate; amino acids, cystine, etc. can make the hair black and bright; unsaturated fatty acids can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, Promote metabolism to make hair easy to generate, prevent hair loss and baldness. The trace elements in the grains make the beauty always belong to you.

  Seven grains make the body slimmer

  Some grains contain pantothenic acid, which can release the energy of food and is an important component of fat metabolism; B vitamins can help calories burn . The whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, can promote gastrointestinal motility and digestive juice secretion, can strengthen the body waste discharge, is beneficial to slimming; magnesium can help the metabolism of sugar and fat. So these nutrients are important elements for your weight loss.

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