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How to eat whole grains

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-05

  Rice is made from the shells of rice seeds. Rice is one of the staple foods of the Chinese. Whether it is a family meal or a restaurant, rice is essential. Do you know what the role of rice is? Are the effects of different rice the same?

  The role of rice

  assisting digestion

  Rice soup has the functions of nourishing qi, nourishing yin, moisturizing and dryness, sweet and smooth It is beneficial to the development and health of babies. It can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, help digestion, and promote the absorption of fat. It can also promote the formation of loose and soft small clots in casein in milk powder, making it easy to digest. Absorbed, so it is ideal to use rice soup to make milk powder or give infants a supplementary diet.

  Lower blood pressure

  High-quality protein contained in rice porridge and rice soup can keep blood vessels soft and achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure.


  Rice slimming is a low-calorie, high-carbohydrate, low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar, low-protein, low-protein, natural food weight loss method. The initial goal was to treat a Some chronic diseases.  Note: This method is not suitable for people who have had a colonectomy and have poor kidney function.

  The rice slimming method does not mean that only rice can be eaten. Rice is just one of the 30 foods in this slimming plan. The rice slimming method also contains whole wheat foods, soybeans, fruits, vegetables, non-fat dairy products and lean protein. Foods with high fiber content in the diet such as whole wheat foods, vegetables and fruits can make people feel full and satisfied.

  Different effects of different types of rice

  The most tonic is japonica rice

  As a daily rice, japonica rice contains essential starch , Protein, fat, vitamin B1, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, iron and other nutrients, can provide the nutrition and calories needed by the human body. Gu Wanli said that cooking rice porridge with japonica rice for health and longevity has a history of 2,000 years in China. The top layer of porridge oil in rice porridge can replenish fluid and fill the essence, which is beneficial to nourishing the human body''s yin and kidney essence. Patients, maternal and elderly. Japonica rice has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating qi, nourishing yin and replenishing qi, removing anxiety and quenching thirst, solidifying bowel and diarrhea, etc. It can be used for diseases such as weak spleen and stomach, polydipsia, malnutrition, post-illness, etc. food.

  The most digestive aid is brown rice

  Brown rice contains more protein, fat and vitamins than refined white rice. The crude fiber molecules in the rice bran layer contribute to gastrointestinal motility and are effective for gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Brown rice is more nutritious than polished white rice, which can lower cholesterol and reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke. Brown rice is suitable for the general population, but due to its coarse texture and compact texture, it is also time-consuming to cook. Gu Wanli suggested that it can be rinsed before cooking and then soaked in cold water overnight, then put the soaking water into the pressure cooker and cook for more than half an hour .

  The most potent kidney is black rice

  Black rice is nutritious and contains protein, fat, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other substances, and its nutritional value is higher than ordinary rice . It can significantly increase the content of hemoglobin and hemoglobin in the human body, is conducive to the health care of the cardiovascular system, is conducive to the development of children''s bones and brain, and can promote the recovery of maternal and post-illness patients, so it is an ideal nutritional health care food. Gu Wanli pointed out that black rice has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney, nourishing qi and strengthening the body, strengthening the spleen and appetizing, nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, and nourishing essence and astringent. It is a good tonic for anti-aging beauty and disease prevention. Regular consumption of black rice has a good tonic effect on chronic patients, rehabilitation patients and young children. Since black rice is not easy to cook, it should be soaked overnight before cooking. Infants and elderly patients with weak digestive function are not suitable for consumption.

  The most detoxifying material is glutinous rice

  Glutinous rice contains nutrients such as protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B2, and a large amount of starch.

  The most beautiful is barley

  barley has high nutritional value and is known as the "king of the world''s grasses". Coix seed rice is rich in nutrients and contains a variety of amino acid ingredients such as yiren oil, coix seed fat, sterols, amino acids, arginine and vitamin B1, carbohydrates and other nutrients. It has the benefits of hydrating water, spleen and diarrhea, clearing heat and detoxifying. effect. Gu Wanli said that Chinese medicine believes that barley is sweet and light in taste, slightly cold in nature, enters the spleen, stomach, and lung channels, and has a therapeutic and preventive effect on spleen deficiency diarrhea, muscle acidity, and joint pain.

  The most nourishing stomach is millet

   millet is also known as sorghum, millet and millet. It is rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, sugar, vitamin B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Because millet is easily digested and absorbed by the human body, it is called "health rice" by nutrition experts. Xiaomi has the effects of strengthening the spleen and invigorating the kidney, clearing away the heat, benefiting urination, and treating polydipsia. It is a good nutritional rehabilitation product for treating spleen and stomach weakness, physical weakness, impaired essential blood, postpartum deficiency, and loss of appetite. Gu Wanli pointed out that due to the slightly cold sex of millet, those with stagnation of qi and those with weak constitution and cold urine should not eat too much.

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