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The Secret of Bean Nutrition

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-05

   usually mentions health, everyone will advocate coarse grains, grains are great for your health, then you know what the nutritional effects of beans are, and the efficacy of each different type of beans is completely different. Yes, do you know what the efficacy of soybeans is?


   soybeans are rich in anticancer components such as saponins, protease inhibitors, isoflavones, molybdenum, selenium, etc. Almost all cancers such as cancer, intestinal cancer, and esophageal cancer have an inhibitory effect.

  Soybean protein and stigmasterol in soybeans can significantly improve and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol, thereby reducing the probability of cardiovascular disease. Soy fat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and soy phospholipids, which can maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthen the brain and prevent the formation of fatty liver.

  The phytoestrogens in soybeans are very similar in structure to the estrogen produced in the human body; soybeans are also rich in calcium, which is also effective for menopausal osteoporosis; eating soybeans has dry and rough skin and hair Dryness is good, it can improve the skin''s metabolism, promote the body''s detoxification, and keep the skin always youthful.

  The saponins in soybeans can reduce fat absorption and promote fat metabolism; soy fiber can also speed up the time for food to pass through the intestine, thereby achieving the purpose of light weight loss.

  Mung bean

   Modern medicine believes that mung bean is sweet and cool, and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and diuresis. In case of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, lead poisoning, alcoholism (drunkenness), etc., you can fill a bowl of mung bean soup for emergency treatment before going to the hospital for rescue.

  People who often work in toxic environments or come into contact with toxic substances should often eat mung beans for detoxification and health care; people who work in high-temperature environments in summer sweat more, lose much water, and the electrolyte balance in the body is affected Destructive, supplementing with mung bean soup is the most ideal method. It can clear the heat and qi, quench thirst and diuretic. It can not only replenish water, but also replenish inorganic salts in time, which is of great significance for maintaining water-electrolyte balance; frequent consumption of mung beans Can also supplement nutrition and enhance physical strength.

  Red beans

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that red beans have the effects of diminishing water swelling, diuresis, eliminating heat and detoxification, spleen and diarrhea, improving beriberi and puffiness. "Compendium of Materia Medica" also records: "Red beans pass through the small intestine, facilitate urination, drain water and blood, reduce swelling and discharge of pus, clear heat and detoxify, cure diarrhea and beriberi, quench thirst and hangover, pass milk and give birth."

< p>  Red beans are rich in iron, which can make people popular and ruddy. Eating more red beans can also enrich blood, promote blood circulation, strengthen physical strength, enhance resistance, as well as supplement menstrual nutrition and relieve menstrual pain.

  Red bean syrup is applied externally to treat acne, gas and redness.

  Modern medical research has also found that red beans can promote heart activation, diuresis, as well as stomach and tonic, dehumidification and qi, etc., but long-term or excessive consumption will cause heat, so when eating Should follow the doctor''s advice.


  Li Shizhen said in "Compendium of Materia Medica", cowpea can benefit Qi, nourish the kidneys and stomach, and the five internal organs, adjust the health and the essence, Stop thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, urination, rat poison.

  Chinese medicine believes that cowpea is flat in nature, sweet and salty, non-toxic, and has the effects of regulating middle tonic qi, strengthening the spleen and kidney. It has a certain effect on urinary system diseases, and also has an auxiliary effect on spermatorrhea and some gynecological diseases.

  Violet phospholipids can promote insulin secretion and participate in sugar metabolism, making them ideal food for diabetics.

  Vitamin B1 contained in cowpea can maintain normal digestive gland secretion and gastrointestinal motility, inhibit cholinesterase activity, thereby helping digestion and increase appetite.

  Vitamin C contained in cowpea can promote the synthesis of antibodies and improve the body''s antiviral effect.

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