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Prerequisites for a balanced diet

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

   Dietary structure refers to the relative composition of food types and quantities. What kind of diet structure is the best? The answer is: balanced diet. Balanced diet is the core and essence of nutrition. It is a widely recognized principle of healthy diet. Keeping a balanced diet structure is the best recommendation for most healthy people and most patients (except infants and young children and some special patients).

  How to achieve a balanced diet? The premise is to diversify the food. Each type of food is not perfect, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so only a variety of food combinations in the diet can obtain comprehensive and balanced nutrition.

  According to the nutritional value, we usually divide daily food into nine categories:

   Cereals and potatoes? Cereals include rice, noodles, and cereals; potatoes include potatoes, sweet potatoes, and taro Wait. Mainly provides starch, protein, dietary fiber and B vitamins.

  vegetables? Including leafy vegetables (such as spinach), tender stems (such as celery), flowers (such as broccoli), eggplants (such as tomatoes), melons (such as cucumbers), and roots (Such as radish), fungus algae (such as mushrooms, kelp), onion garlic (such as onion, garlic, etc.). Mainly provide dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin K, carotene and various phytochemicals.

  Fruits? Such as citrus, apple, grape, banana, peach, etc., mainly provide sugar, dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, carotene and various phytochemicals. Its main nutritional characteristics are similar to certain vegetables.

  Livestock and poultry meat? Livestock includes beef, lamb, pork, etc. and their products; poultry includes chicken, turkey, duck, goose, etc. and their products. Mainly provide high-quality protein, fat, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and vitamin A and B vitamins. The disadvantage is that it contains saturated fatty acids and cholesterol.

  Fish and seafood? Including all kinds of fish, shrimp and crab. Shellfish and molluscs mainly provide high-quality protein, fat, potassium, trace elements, vitamins A and B vitamins. Its main nutritional characteristics are similar to livestock and poultry meat, but it contains less saturated fatty acids and cholesterol.

   Eggs? Including eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, etc. Mainly provide high-quality protein, fat, trace elements, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E, phospholipids and so on. The disadvantage is that the egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol.

  Milk and milk products? Including milk, yogurt, milk powder, condensed milk, goat milk, etc. Mainly provide high-quality protein, fat, sugar, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, B vitamins and so on.

   Soybeans and their products Soybeans often refer to soybeans and their products, such as soy milk, tofu, tofu brain, dried tofu, vegetarian chicken, etc.; miscellaneous beans mainly include mung beans, lentils, red beans, peas and so on. Soybeans mainly provide high-quality protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E, phytochemicals, etc.; mixed beans mainly provide starch, protein, dietary fiber, potassium, B vitamins , Phytochemicals, etc.

   Pure heat energy food? Including animal oil, food oil, edible sugar, starch (such as vermicelli, etc.) and alcohol, etc., mainly provide heat energy. Vegetable oil can also provide vitamin E and essential fatty acids.

  In addition to the above nine categories of food, there are some foods such as nuts (peanuts, melon seeds, cashews, etc.), condiments (salt, soy sauce, vinegar, MSG, chicken essence, etc.), beverages ( Mineral water, carbonated drinks, etc.) and hobbies (tea, coffee, chocolate, snacks, etc.) are also relatively common, but apart from nuts, they are generally not an important source of nutrients. Nuts mainly provide polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, starch, dietary fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, phytochemicals, etc.

  Balanced diet requires recipes that include all of the above categories of food. If a certain type or types of food is missing, and you do not pay attention to supplementing from other food categories, it is difficult to achieve an ideal nutritional balance. The more food categories that are missing, the further away from the principle of balanced diet. If someone never drinks milk or its products, there may be a problem of insufficient calcium intake in his diet. Even so, he still has the opportunity to make up from soy products, nuts and vegetables. However, if he neither drinks milk, nor soy products, and rarely eats greens and nuts, then his calcium deficiency problem will be difficult to solve. If he supplements the protein by eating a lot of meat, he will consume too much saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which will undoubtedly worsen the body that is already calcium-deficient. It can be seen that a balanced diet must not lack "classes" first.

   Balanced diet also requires that as many varieties as possible in each type of food (except wine, sugar, etc.). For example, in meat, it is not ideal to eat only one kind of pork. You should eat a variety of meats such as beef, lamb, chicken and duck; in cereals, it is not ideal to eat only rice and white noodles. , Millet, oatmeal, buckwheat and other coarse grains; in vegetable oil, if you only eat soybean oil or peanut oil is not ideal, you should alternate or mix edible soybean oil, peanut oil, olive oil, corn oil, linseed oil and other vegetable oils.

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