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There are many benefits of thickness matching (3)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08


  As a representative of coarse grains, corn is suitable for processing into various staple foods, such as tortillas, Wowotou, cornmeal porridge, corn porridge, etc. Steamed corn on the cob (picked before it is fully ripe) can also be eaten directly. It is recommended that when eating corn, the corn germ (commonly known as the embryo tip, that is, the white part at the bottom of the corn kernel) should be eaten together for better nutrition. Compared with refined white rice, corn is rich in potassium, magnesium and B vitamins, as well as a small amount of carotenoids, such as zeaxanthin, is really rich in nutrition.


  Xiaomi can either cook porridge or cook. When cooking in an ordinary pot, put the right amount of water first, then put the washed millet, after boiling the pot, simmer for 30 minutes. Cook the millet porridge in a pressure cooker, just boil it (steaming), the taste is better. Millet can also be mixed with rice to make "two rice" or two rice porridge. It is also delicious to make eight-treasure porridge with millet, rice, green beans, peanuts, dates and other ingredients. Millet is particularly rich in potassium and iron, and the content of vitamin B1 is 4 to 5 times that of rice, so it is traditionally regarded as a "maternal food" by residents of northern China.


  Oatmeal is slightly higher in fat (about 7%), so it has a strong aroma and is suitable for processing into oatmeal or porridge. Pure oatmeal is rolled from oat grains and is flat, with a diameter about the size of soy grains and a complete shape. After being processed, the instant oatmeal is somewhat broken, but its original shape can still be seen. Because it contains more dietary fiber, the porridge made from oatmeal is very sticky. Pure oatmeal itself is whole grain, not only contains cellulose, but also rich in soluble β? glucan, it makes oatmeal with high viscosity characteristics.

   supermarkets sell oatmeal in bulk or in small packages. It should be noted that most of the popular "nutritional cereals" and "breakfast cereals" are not oatmeal (see the ingredient list on the packaging), but corn, rice, wheat bran, glutinous rice, plus some fat and sugar Many of the “modulated” products contain no oatmeal at all, and their nutritional value is much lower than that of oatmeal (see the follow-up section of this section for details), and they are not in the category of recommended coarse grains.

  ⑥Mung beans

  The most common way to eat is to mix a small amount of mung beans with rice to cook mung bean porridge. When cooking, cook the mung beans separately for about 10 minutes, then add the rice and cook until the rice is cooked. Mung bean rice can also be made in a similar way.

  Mung bean is a traditional Chinese summer health food, it can clear heat and detoxify, prevent heatstroke and lower blood pressure. However, when cooking mung beans, many people throw away the mung bean skin; when making mung bean vermicelli and bean paste, traditionally, not only the bean skin is discarded, but also the water for boiling the beans. In fact, the real benefit of mung bean is in its skin. The study found that the main components of the two-petal cotyledons of mung bean are protein and starch, and most of its active ingredients are in mung bean skin. Mung bean skin contains a large amount of antioxidant components, such as flavonoids, tannic acid, saponins, etc. Others include alkaloids, stigmasterol, coumarin, cardiac glycosides, and a large number of dietary fibers.

  Mung bean''s heatstroke prevention ingredients may be mainly polyphenolic antioxidants. Keeping their activity can maintain the heatstroke prevention effect of mung bean. Mung bean polyphenols are easily oxidized. During the cooking of mung bean soup and mung bean porridge, it will gradually change from green to red. Therefore, the lid should be covered to minimize the area of contact with oxygen. At the same time, attention should be paid to the cooking time. You may wish to take out the soup boiled within 10 minutes and drink it separately, because the bean soup is green in color at this time, and the dissolved substances are mainly the active ingredients in the bean skin, and the oxidation degree is the lowest and the heat removal ability is the strongest. After removing these soups, add boiling water and continue cooking until the beans are cooked and ready to eat. It should be noted that boiled mung bean soup does not add alkali, otherwise it will destroy antioxidants such as B vitamins and flavonoids.

  ⑦Red beans or kidney beans

  Red beans and kidney beans can also be mixed with rice to make bean rice, bean porridge, etc., and can also be made into bean bags or bean paste. Bean skin has the highest content of dietary fiber and polyphenolic antioxidants, and the darker the color of bean skin, the stronger the antioxidant effect. However, in order to make the taste more delicate, the bean paste or bean paste sold on the market generally removes the bean skin-the most abundant portion of dietary fiber, which greatly reduces its value as a coarse grain, so it is recommended to make homemade bean paste or bean filling at home. You can use a pressure cooker to boil the red beans and kidney beans, then add sugar, stir and cool to make bean paste.

   4. Do not eat coarse grains

  ①Coarse grain staple foods should not be single

  Nutrition advocates that food should be diversified, and staple foods should be mixed with thickness. Although coarse grains are good, it is not advisable to eat only one kind for a long time, otherwise it will fall into another kind of imbalance. All kinds of cereals and miscellaneous beans should be eaten together. As for the proportion of coarse grains or fine grains, it is not important. The key is that the variety of staple foods should be diversified, and regardless of coarse grains and fine grains, cooking methods should be emphasized. , Made delicious.

  ②Coarse grains do not have to be "finely made"

  The so-called "fine grains are finely made" refers to the deliberate pursuit of fine taste in the production of miscellaneous grains such as millet and corn in order to improve the taste. The advantage of coarse grains is that because they have not been refined, their nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals are retained. If they are refined, a large amount of fat and sugar are added, and then a large amount of white flour, white rice flour, pure starch, etc., their advantages will no longer exist. For example, tortillas sold in restaurants and supermarkets are fried with oil and fat, with a caustic soda or baking powder to create a porous effect, starch is used to enhance the delicate feeling, and sugar is used to improve the taste. Such food has long been unable to fully retain the nutritional value of corn.

  In the market, in order to ensure the taste of the product, coarse grains are usually mixed with a large proportion of refined white flour. Taking "corn buns" as an example, in order to ensure a good appearance and taste, the proportion of corn flour is generally less than 30%. This is because the specific fluffy and porous texture of steamed bread must have enough gluten to maintain it, and corn does not contain gluten, so it can only rely on gluten in wheat flour, it is necessary to increase the proportion of wheat flour. However, the ratio of corn flour is limited, and its color is not yellow enough, so many illegal vendors use artificial yellow and other artificial colors to dye corn buns. Therefore, people should pay attention to whether the purchased corn buns have real corn aroma and unique taste of corn flour.

  ③Some people should not eat coarse grains

  Because coarse grains retain the seed coat of the plant, the dietary fiber, phytic acid and tannic acid contained in the coarse grains will interfere with calcium and iron , Zinc and other minerals are absorbed and have a certain stimulating effect on the intestine, so some people are not suitable for long-term or large-scale consumption of coarse grains, such as infants and young children, patients with severe gastritis or peptic ulcers, Crohn''s disease or ulcers Patients with sexual colitis, diarrhea, recent bowel surgery. Of course, these populations are not absolutely contraindicated in coarse grains, but you should consult the attending doctor or nutritionist before consuming coarse grains. Fermentation treatment can greatly increase the absorption rate of trace elements in coarse grains, and make it easier to be digested and absorbed; high pressure cooking can also make the dietary fiber in coarse grains fully absorb water and soften, reducing irritation to the intestine. In order to make up for the lack of iron and zinc absorption rate in coarse grains, it should be properly combined with beans and fish to increase the supply of trace elements, and also increase the supply of vitamin C in the diet in order to increase the iron absorption rate.

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