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How to eat and keep healthy in winter

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  (1) The health content of winter foods

   1. Foods taken during winter health care and conditioning

  (1) Suitable kidney and aphrodisiac Food, such as venison, deer whip, dog meat, dog whip, lamb, goat kidney, bullwhip, sparrow, pig kidney, eel, anchovy, silver carp, shrimp, mussels, garlic, leek, chili, walnut kernel, Walnut meat, etc.

  (2) Nourishing yin and benefiting the kidney, foods that fill the essence and fill the marrow are sea cucumber, abalone, turtle meat, turtle, ham, pig (sheep, cow) bone marrow, black fungus, black dates, sesame, black beans, Wait.

   2. Keep healthy, fast, and cold diet in winter, avoid cold food. Such as jellyfish, snails, snails, clams, crabs, frog meat, water snakes, mussels, black fish, duck eggs, goose meat, rabbit meat, kelp, watermelon, winter melon, cucumber, etc.

   (2) Health foods available in winter

   1. Staple foods: rice, noodles, porridge, etc. prepared with various warm-tonic foods . Common sea cucumber porridge, mutton porridge, mutton noodles, walnut porridge, ginger porridge, dog porridge, sparrow porridge, leek porridge, lean porridge, walnut porridge, beef wonton and so on.

  2. Dishes: Fried shrimps with leek, prawn soup with leeks, fried walnuts with leek, rabbit with sesame seeds, black bean lamb ridge soup, mutton soup with sea cucumber, abalone mussel soup, yam mutton soup, sugar sparrow, Stir-fried lamb loin with shallots, shredded chicken with onions, stir-fried belly with sword beans, shredded lamb with garlic, etc.

  3. Alcoholic beverages: ginseng ganoderma lucidum wine, Jiuxiang insect wine, fur seal kidney wine, antler cordyceps wine, ginseng wine, clams ginseng velvet wine, Xianling spleen wine, black chicken wine, tiger bone wine, Shrimp wine, seahorse wine, lamb wine, yam wine, mulberry wine, hemp wine, etc.

  4. Medicinal diet: Jianpi shoushu, ginseng spinach dumplings, Qibian aphrodisiac soup, deer whip aphrodisiac soup, double whip aphrodisiac soup, cordyceps quail, cordyceps fish, Qiankun steamed dog, dragon horse broiler chicken, ginseng Qi Hong Braised Bear''s Paw, Gordon Lamb Soup, Tianma Pork Brain, Fuzi Pork Belly Soup, Guidi Braised Lamb, Qi Di Chicken Soup, Cooked Fuxiang Pork, Yangqi Stone Beef Kidney Soup, Yishen Bird Broth Soup, Zhuangyang Dog Meat Soup, Qi Zao Cistanche Venison Soup, Yangzi Pork Loin Soup, Shudi Beef Loin Soup, Wuwei Health Chicken, Qigui Braised Bear''s Paw, Gecko and Lamb Loin Flower etc. It is also suitable for consumption in winter.

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