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How to eat yam

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   There are many types of yam. There are iron yam as thin as fingers, as well as beef thigh yam as thick as table legs, and hairy yam with uneven surface. The taste of various yam is different, mainly related to the moisture content in it.

  For example, iron stick yam, it The starch content is high and the moisture content is low, so the taste is relatively noodles, and the yam leg yam is very high in moisture content, so it is very crisp. Therefore, iron stick yam can be eaten by steaming or stewing, but you can only eat yam leg yam because it will not be rotted if you steam it longer.

   There are many examples of the combination of yam and meat. As we said at the beginning, yam stewed steak, yam stewed chicken nuggets...Of course, yam can also make other foods, such as we are boiled You can also put some yam in porridge, because the sugar content of yam is much lower than other cereals, like millet and rice, the amount of carbohydrates in it is more than 70% The content is only more than ten percent, so if you put yam in rice porridge and reduce the amount of rice used, it can greatly reduce the carbohydrate content of rice porridge. For some friends with high blood sugar, dare not drink porridge You can make the yam into the porridge and cook it into a porridge that is not too thick. In this way, it can relatively reduce the glycemic index after our meal.

  Yam can also be made into some zeros. For example, if there are elderly people and children at home, you can steam the yam when you need to add meals, remove the skin and twist it into mud, and pour a little yogurt on it. When you have a better set yogurt, you can also put kiwi, red grapes, apples, and bananas in the yogurt, cut the colorful fruits into diced, put it in the yogurt, then pour it on the yam mud, sprinkle a little more Nut kernels, walnut kernels, pine nuts, etc. are all acceptable. In this way, it has become a very good snack! I hope you can use your imagination when you eat yam and make it into a variety of health. Food!

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