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What is the situation when the child is ill

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

   This morning, I met a few children who had been treated for a long period of severe abdominal pain, and there were a few children who requested health checkups during the holidays. When I asked if I had an empty stomach, only one child''s parents knew that I needed an empty stomach to check the liver function and abdominal ultrasound, so they could only check the next day.

  What needs to be fasted after the child is sick What about going to the hospital? Tell me a little bit about my experience.

   1. If the child is sick for only a day or two, you initially determine that the child has a fever caused by a cold. At this time, generally only blood tests and hypersensitivity C reactions are required. This does not require an empty stomach.

   2. If the child is sick and has not been treated according to routine treatment for more than a week, or has a long-term cough, abdominal pain, etc. In general, if a temporary diagnosis is unclear and needs further examination, an empty stomach examination may generally be required.

   3. Fasting is required when doing abdominal ultrasound. However, kidney B ultrasound and heart B ultrasound do not require fasting.

  4. Blood tests such as liver function, myocardial enzymes, and thyroid function tests generally take 8-12 hours on an empty stomach for adults, but for children, 3-4 hours on an empty stomach. In addition, there are many blood test items in the hospital in the morning, so, blood test, you better come in the morning. (Except for emergency liver function in the afternoon, myocardial enzymes and electrolytes can be checked, and many tests cannot be done).

   5. What should you do if you are not allowed to eat on an empty stomach? Very simple, then come to the hospital on an empty stomach. Worried that the child is hungry, so take the food; worried about waiting in line, then insert a team, ask the doctor, and open the test order first.

  Why do you want to draw blood on an empty stomach?

   is simply considered from the following two aspects.

   1. Because the body is in a relatively basic metabolic state when fasting, it can exclude the influence of diet and other factors. The fasting blood test can reflect the real situation in the human blood.

   Second, if the blood test is carried out in the morning before eating, the large amount of chylomicrons produced after food digestion will be quickly absorbed into the blood, and the blood at this time will also be "turbid", because many blood biochemical tests are Judging by the color change of the specimen, if the blood appears turbid due to chylomicrons, it is difficult for the inspector to observe clearly. Especially when measuring blood lipids, "fatty blood" will affect the accuracy of the measurement.

  What are the test items that need to be drawn on an empty stomach in the morning?

   1. Blood liver function, kidney function, myocardial enzymes.

   2. Glucose tolerance test.

   3. Serological and immunological examination. Such as total complement, C3, anti-nuclear antibody, hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-streptococcal hemolysin "O" determination, rheumatoid factor test, etc.

   4. Fasting blood glucose, total blood lipid, cholesterol, triglyceride, β-lipoprotein, serum protein electrophoresis, carbon dioxide binding capacity, various serum enzymes, alpha fetal globulin, serum immunoglobulin , Mucin, etc.

   5. Various blood rheological measurements. Such as whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, serum viscosity, platelet viscosity, etc.

  Will the blood draw test affect the health of the child?

  We found in the clinic that many parents do not want the child to take a blood test, see The red blood in the child''s blood vessel flowed into the needle tube. The parents were very distressed and felt that it was too hurt for the child. Will the blood test affect the health of the child?

  The total amount of normal human blood is about 8% of the body weight. For example, a 20 kg child has a total blood volume of 1600 ml, which is usually The blood test only requires 1 to 3 ml of blood, which is less than 0.1% of a whole person’s blood! A healthy person’s blood loss is no more than 10% of the whole body weight, which will not cause any harm to the body. Not to mention the little blood used for the test. The blood test is very helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of some diseases, and it has no effect on the health of the child. Especially now, with the improvement of testing technology and the promotion of various micro-testing technologies, the same test is required for blood. The amount gradually decreases. If the doctor asks the child to do the necessary blood test, parents should actively cooperate and do a good job in blood collection.

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