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Dietary coup for winter cough

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  The winter in the north is quick to say. When the northwest wind blows down the last autumn leaf, the dry winter begins. The most common health problems in winter are upper respiratory tract infections, especially pharyngitis, lung heat cough, sore throat, hoarse voice and other problems often trouble everyone.

  When these problems occur, many people Unconsciously, I took anti-inflammatory drugs and took them. This is very incorrect. When there is a problem with our health, we should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible and take the medicine correctly under the guidance of the doctor, which can avoid the development of the disease.

  Many people believe in dietary therapy, and dietary therapy mainly plays a preventive and health care role when they are not sick, and is used to assist drug treatment when they are sick. Of course, some minor problems can also be solved with diet after a doctor''s examination. For example, simple, mild upper respiratory symptoms can be consumed with honey, ginger and carrot.

   The method is to choose a pound of fresh and clean white radish (also called ivory radish), 30 grams of ginger and 30 grams of honey.

   Turnip and ginger are peeled and chopped, then put into a juicer to crush the juice. You can drink it after adding honey to the juice. This diet is best suited for problems such as sore throat and hoarse voice caused by lung heat cough, especially for teachers, hosts, salespersons and other friends who often talk too much.

  Radish is rich in water, in addition, it also contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, dietary fiber, mineral potassium and so on. Moreover, as cruciferous vegetables, it also contains a large amount of chemical nutrients such as isothiocyanate, sulforaphane and glucosinolate, which has a good effect of reducing blood sugar, lipid, blood pressure, preventing tumors and cancer. "Eat radish in winter, eat ginger in summer, doctors do not prescribe medicine", in winter, we can eat radish often, you will feel the health and happiness brought to you by food!

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