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Baby grow up, how to add food supplement

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Xiaobao is 7 months old. The baby''s grandma said that it is time to add supplementary food to the baby. This morning, Grandma carefully steamed the eggs for her grandson. She told her daughter-in-law that they must stir more before steaming the egg custard so that the steamed eggs are best digested. The eggs are steamed, Xiao Bao eats sweet, and Grandma looks happy. But soon the baby vomited and pulled again. The daughter-in-law complained to her mother-in-law that it must have been fed too much and the baby was not used to it.

   such a story is by our side Frequently, it is very common for a baby to have diarrhea and vomiting due to improper addition of complementary foods. Where does the grandmother in the story do not fit? Do you know? So how do I add supplementary food to my baby?

  (一)What time does supplementary food add?

  About adding supplementary food in time Time has always been a hot issue discussed by experts. The traditional concept is to add supplementary food 4-6 months after the baby is born. From 1990 to 1995, WHO 4 Formally put forward suggestions on when supplementary foods should be added, a large number of studies on the reasonable start time of supplementary foods show that: "6 months exclusive breastfeeding" of infants is compared with "addition of hygienic and safe supplementary foods from 4 to 6 months", There is no difference in growth between the two groups.

   And in the "Chinese Dietary Guidelines for Pregnant and Lactating Women and Children 0-6 Years Old" edited by the Chinese Society of Nutrition in 2007, it is clearly pointed out that supplementary foods can be added at 4-6 months, and cereals are preferred Food, such as rice noodles for infant nutrition. It is recommended to choose green and safe nutritious rice noodles, such as Nestle baby rice noodles with green food certified Northeast rice as raw materials, which can help your baby to transfer milk more safely and smoothly.

   (2) The principle of supplementary food supplement?

  When the baby enters the supplementary food period, mothers will make supplementary food due to various considerations. However, I don’t know that the regular home-made supplements need to consume at least 260 ml per meal to meet the nutritional needs of this stage. However, the baby’s stomach capacity is relatively small, only about the size of a mother’s fist, and its digestion and absorption functions are not yet mature. Give supplementary food with high nutritional density to fill the limited space. Therefore, formula rice noodles such as Nestle Nutrition Formula rice noodles, which can make babies non-allergic, digestible and fortified with multiple nutrients, will become the first choice for mothers'' complementary food.

   Formulated rice noodles such as Nestle Nutrition Formula rice noodles that can make your baby non-allergic, digestible, and fortified with a variety of nutrients, not only can ensure that the baby needs to be fully replenished, but also with the market to add sugar to enhance the taste Compared with ordinary formula rice noodles, it adheres to the concept of pure rice noodles supplemented with no sucrose as a supplementary feeding concept.

  The foods added next are root tubers vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and animal foods are gradually introduced after 7 and 8 months of age. Such as fish, meat, soy products. It is safest to add eggs after one year of age. At this time, if you can mix it with Nestlé Baby Rice Noodles that have been added with the digestible starch hydrolysis process, it will be more effective in helping your baby absorb it.

  (3) Unreasonable effect of supplementary food supplement?

  WHO report: 4 Babies added supplementary foods a month ago, although they can supplement some of the energy and nutrients outside of breast milk, but breast milk intake will quickly decrease, but it will significantly reduce the main nutritional intake, more than gains. In more serious cases, abnormal premature weaning may occur. Infants with this condition are significantly lower in age, length, weight and upper arm circumference than exclusive breastfeeding infants during the same period, which is not conducive to the normal development of the baby;< /p>

  If the food supplement is added too late or the food supplement ingredients are too few, it will affect the baby''s physical development and affect the formation of taste. If supplementary foods that need to be chewed are not added at 8 months, the infant''s eating skills such as chewing and swallowing solid foods cannot be well exercised, so it is recommended that when treating infants over 6 months, you can freely choose each according to your baby''s adaptation Taste Nestle nutritional rice noodles and feed them with fresh ingredients. On the basis of ensuring the baby''s full absorption, it can effectively train the baby''s chewing ability and reduce the difficulty of feeding in the later period; ensure the baby''s oral exercise, let the tongue move flexibly, and ensure the normal development of speaking in the future .

  Research shows that the growth and development of children’s height and weight in my country within 6 months after birth are not significantly different from those in developed countries. Their height, weight and WHO The recommended standard curve is very close. But after 6 months, it gradually lags behind, and the main reason is usually the unreasonable addition of food supplements. Therefore, it is very important to scientifically treat the addition of complementary foods in infant feeding, and growth cannot be repeated. Every step requires the correct understanding of parents to ensure the baby''s healthy future.

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