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What is the effect on the body if the interval between meals is too short?

Female  39 years old 2018-04-11
I ate between lunch and dinner about three hours apart. They all said that the interval between my two meals was too short. What effect does the interval between the two meals have on my body?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2018-04-11
    If the interval between meals is too short, it will affect the appetite. In fact, no matter whether the interval between meals is too long or too short, it will affect the human body. If it is too long, it will cause a high sense of hunger and affect labor and work efficiency; if the interval is too short, the digestive organs will get Without proper rest, it affects appetite and digestion. Generally, the time that the mixed food stays in the stomach is about 4 to 5 hours. Therefore, the interval between two meals is 4 to 6 hours.

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