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The effects of cucumbers you don’t know

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Cucumber is a vegetable that everyone loves to eat in the summer. It was first introduced from the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty, so it is also called "courgette". Cucumbers are cheap, fresh and refreshing, and have a water content of 95% or more.

  Cucumbers are mostly used for salads, Whether it is paired with garlic, peanuts or jellyfish, the taste is crisp and cool. The proportion of dietary fiber and water in cucumber is very large, and it is definitely a low-calorie food. Cucumbers can be eaten directly with a simple cold salad, which is a popular diet for many young girls.

  Cucumbers are high-potassium and low-sodium melon vegetables. The potassium content per hundred grams of cucumber is about 102 mg, which has a good effect on lowering blood pressure. The vitamin K content in cucumber is also high, which can help friends with high blood lipids to prevent blood coagulation and reduce blood lipids. It is also a good food for high blood sugar friends to prevent chronic diseases.

  Cucumbers have a bit of bitterness. Don’t think that this kind of cucumber is inedible. As long as there is no pesticide pollution, cleaned cucumbers have a good effect of clearing heat, detoxification, swelling, and water. . Cucumbers are also called "beauty melons", and ladies who love beauty can often use cleaned cucumber veneers for beauty treatment. Cut the cleaned fresh cucumber into thin slices and paste it on the eyelid and wrinkle-prone skin, which can play a role in water retention and moisturization. In particular, some friends who often stay up late and use too many eyes to cause eyelid edema and blueness can often use cucumber slices to stick to the eyelid, the effect is very good!

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