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Don't let salt hurt you

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   salt, as the ancestor of Baiwei, is an essential flavoring agent for daily meals, but excessive use of salt can cause great damage to the body. Salt is a necessary condiment for many delicious meals in our lives. A proper amount of salt is also a necessary source of sodium for our health. Only the best things have a limit.

   salt intake too much Many hazards:

   1. Salt will promote the increase of blood pressure, which is an important cause of hypertension.

   2. Too much salt will increase the risk of stomach cancer.

   3. Sodium must be excreted from the kidneys. Too much will increase the burden on the kidneys and promote the occurrence of edema.

   4. Excessive salt intake will promote the loss of calcium, which may cause osteoporosis.

   5. Excessive salt intake will change the osmotic pressure of the cells, which is not conducive to the skin to maintain moisture and reduce wrinkles.

  6. New research proves that eating starchy staple food with salt will speed up the digestion of food in the stomach, which is not conducive to controlling postprandial blood sugar.

  7. The combination of heavy saltiness and spicy taste will mask the stale taste of raw materials and have hidden dangers to food hygiene.

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