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How can colander be healthy and delicious

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  How can colander be healthy and delicious? Porcelain is mostly used to make soup, and it is rich in taste and delicious when paired with meat ingredients. In addition to the prestigious West Lake Ulva soup, you can also DIY creative cuisine at home. Today, we will freely match a healthy and delicious cuisine. As long as you have time, you can try it as I say!

  Period bean perch soup

   Ingredients: Two large pieces of boneless seabass meat, half a box of fresh beans, a bowl of West Lake, 5 grams of Jinhua ham, 5 grams of ginger and 5 grams of spring onion.

  Seasoning: salt, chicken powder, pepper, starch, a little, 4 bowls of chicken soup.


   1. First, wipe the blade of sea bass into slices about half a centimeter thick, sizing with salt, chicken powder and starch.

   2. The tender tofu is cut into thick pieces and soaked in water.

  3. Put chicken broth in the pot and boil it, add fine ginger shreds, Jinhua ham shreds, tofu, and radish.

  4. After boiling, skim off the foam, put salted chicken powder and pepper powder, and put the fish fillets one by one.

  5. When the fish fillets turn white and float, add finely chopped green onion to get out of the pan.

  Nutrition Review:

  Nandou bean sea bass soup is not only delicious, but also extremely nutritious. It contains high-quality protein such as fish and soy products, as well as a lot of minerals and vitamins. The smoothness of Ulva and the unique mellow aroma of ham are enough to leave your lips and teeth with an endless aftertaste, so this combination can make both nutrition and delicious.

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