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Spring detoxification and beauty

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Spring is full of flowers, and everything is renewed. As the saying goes, "The plan of a year lies in spring." Spring is a sunny day and a beauty day. The spring season is cold and the seasons of flowers cannot be covered, and the fragrance that is everywhere can''t be stopped. Pollen allergies, changing climate... Various skin problems and health problems are also beginning to trouble the beauty-loving people. There is a saying "medicine is better than food tonic". What should we eat in spring to make ourselves more beautiful and healthy?< /p>

  To solve these problems, we must first adjust our body The comprehensive situation can not be solved by just applying cosmetics on the face or just applying a mask. In the spring diet, it is important to increase foods rich in vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants, especially foods with vitamin C and vitamin E.

   In our food, some brightly colored vegetables and fruits are foods rich in antioxidants. For example: purple cabbage, purple potato, tomato, sweet heart, cherry radish, grape, brown, black bean, black sesame, purple rice, red bean, etc. In addition to being rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins and lycopene, these foods also contain other nutrients, which is the best choice for diet beauty. Vitamin C can increase blood vessel elasticity, enhance capillary function, soften blood vessels, and help oxidize cholesterol metabolism. In addition, various potatoes, rhizomes and dark green vegetables are rich in vitamin C.

  Dried fruits are the first choice for foods containing the most vitamin E, because these foods not only have the effect of softening blood vessels, anti-oxidation, and removing oxidative free radicals in the body, but also contain more unsaturated fatty acids, which balances the diet. It has positive effects on beauty and beauty. Today I recommend to you a few spring detox and beauty dishes: purple sweet potato roll, sweet and sour sweet heart, cabbage tofu shredded tofu, peach kernel red pepper mixed with bitter lettuce, large mixed vegetables and so on.

  Peach kernel red pepper mixed with bitter lettuce

  This food is very easy to learn. Raw materials: bitter lettuce, red pepper, walnut kernels, sesame, etc. Rinse the bitter chicory in clean water and simply tear it into pieces; cut the red peppers into fine filaments, add a little salt together with the peach kernels and sesame seeds, pour half a teaspoon of olive oil, and mix well. The main ingredients here are bitter chicory rich in vitamin C and carotene, with brightly colored red bell peppers with high vitamin C content and walnut kernels rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fats. In addition to the great benefits of this dish, it is very suitable for spring detoxification and beauty, and it is also very simple to process, there is no need to cook or even boil water, so there is almost no loss of nutrients in these ingredients, and the taste is crisp and tender, just need Add a little salt and olive oil to make it right away!

   Spring is bright, skin care! In order to rejuvenate yourself, I suggest that everyone start the spring cleaning of the whole body now! p>

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