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What issues need to be considered in the formulation of nutritional recipes?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  The formulation of nutritional recipes must first consider the other party''s age, height, weight, hometown, work intensity, exercise volume, disease signs, dietary habits, lifestyle habits, daily meals, drinking water, defecation status, doctor''s orders, biochemical examination Indicators, etc. In the 16 years of involvement in the field of nutrition, I have seen a lot of nutritional diets prepared by nutritionists. However, the recipes prepared by some people are difficult for patients to be truly satisfied in the work of clinical nutrition therapy. The reason is that there are some common problems. Although these problems are simple, they are not easy to be paid attention to.

  1, food ingredients Ease of purchase:

  Some dietitians formulate nutritional recipes using catering software, and the speed of completion is fast, and the proportion of various nutrients is appropriate and reasonable. But the recipe is difficult to implement. The reason is clear. Some foods have a strong seasonality, which is not easy to buy during the harvest period. If you are in a city other than Beijing and other big cities, you should pay more attention. For example, buy amaranth, asparagus, seedless grapes, and melons in winter; buy snow pears, honey pomelo in summer... As a nutritionist, you really need to understand the market, know the harvest time of the food and the best time to market.

  2. Price adaptability:

  Whether a recipe is scientific and reasonable depends on the person it corresponds to, if it is a working-class person, You don’t need to use too many high-end food ingredients, such as sea cucumber, cordyceps, grouper, sweet-scented osmanthus, small gourd, pagoda...you think about it in your place, or use more ordinary food Fresh fish, Chinese cabbage, sweet potatoes, and taro also have therapeutic effects.

  3. The ease of processing of food:

   This is a serious problem, so serious that no one who wants to make a recipe listed by a dietitian wants to cook it. Having a headache, the patient''s family looked dizzy. For example: Everyone knows that the daily recommended amount of fat is 25 grams, but you have listed five or six dishes or more for each meal. Think about it, the amount of oil in the cooking pot for each meal is more than that, Not to mention the day’s meals! The same is true with salt. The design of your recipes is pretty, and everything meets the requirements. I don’t know if you have tried the dishes you have done? If you want to make a recipe like this, then It''s best to be a cook yourself, make it yourself, and taste it yourself again.

  4. The palatability of the food:

   Even if some recipes can be made, it looks very colorful, but the patients still don’t like it! Ask Why, two words: unpalatable! Three words: really unpalatable! All the foods have a clear soup with little water, no taste and no taste, and it is difficult to swallow. What is the reason? The mix is not good. If you have 10 grams of oil in a meal, you still have several dishes. What kind of fish-flavored shredded pork and soft-fried tenderloin are there? Even if this dish can be fried, the ghost believes it can be eaten!

  5. The scientific nature of the recipe:

  Nutritionists know that more than 25 kinds of foods per day are more suitable for balanced nutrition. However, some friends are pursuing this number. Every dish is accompanied by bells and whistles, regardless of whether the taste, taste and texture are in harmony. Anyway, the color combination is very good, even if it is only a few grams of each color! I don’t know every What is the effect of the little amount of ingredients? All vegetables are dotted with red peppers, carrot slices, wolfberries, all the same, visual fatigue!

  The humanity of the recipe is another important point. Of nutritionists habitually treat nutritional recipes as meals for critically ill patients or elderly people, and younger patients also give him soft and small food every day, and regardless of the chef’s operation problems, no one will eat like this every day. ?

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