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Chinese New Year food suitable for high blood fat friends

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

The biggest dietary problem for friends with high blood lipids is how to reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol in the diet under the premise of controlling total calories throughout the day. If you don’t eat meat in order to achieve these two goals, it is also a bit of a suspicion of wasteful food. In fact, if we choose the right food properly, we can achieve both nutrition and food.

  People with high blood fat preferred white Meat foods, such as chicken, duck, goose, fish, shrimp and aquatic products, etc. Animal meat contains as much saturated fatty acids as possible and should be eaten as little as possible, but rabbits in domestic animals should be the exception. It is the only white meat in animal meat , And its nutrient structure is different from other red meat livestock. Relatively speaking, rabbit meat is more suitable for friends with high blood fat.

  Rabbit meat has a very high protein content, which can reach a content of 19.7 grams per hundred grams. Protein contains a variety of amino acids, of which lysine and tryptophan are higher than other meats, which is of high quality protein. Compared with lean beef, which is a high-quality protein, although the nutrient levels are relatively close, rabbit meat is easier to digest because of its delicate muscle fibers. Because of its low calories, high vitamin A content and niacin content, it also increases the elasticity of blood vessels and removes metabolic free radicals in the blood, so it is also called beauty meat.

   Rabbit meat has the characteristics of high protein, high potassium, high lecithin, high niacin; low cholesterol, low calorie, low fat, etc., and the ratio of lecithin and cholesterol is more than 19, which is conducive to reducing arteries The degree of atherosclerosis. Rabbit meat is easy to cook, white and no fishy smell, as long as it is properly matched, it can be made into various dishes. The Spring Festival will bring a nutritious food prepared with rabbit meat-fresh bamboo shoots and simmered rabbit meat.

  Fresh bamboo shoots simmering rabbit meat

   Ingredients: 300g rabbit leg meat, 2 chicken wings, 100g fresh bamboo shoots, Matsutake or fresh tea tree 100 grams of mushrooms, 10 grams of water wolfberry, 10 grams of pea seedlings, 10 grams of ginger slices.

  Seasoning: a little salt and a little pepper.


   1. Wash the rabbit leg meat in clean water, chop the muscle texture into large pieces, and chop the chicken wings in half from the middle.

  2. After soaking the matsutake mushrooms, tear them into strips (tea mushrooms cut into sections), pick pea seedlings, remove impurities from the roots, peel the fresh bamboo shoots and cut the hob blocks. Wash and drain all kinds of ingredients.

   3. Put clean water directly in the pot, put the rabbit meat and chicken wings after boiling, and then skim off the noodles after the soup floats.

   4. Add mushrooms, fresh bamboo shoots, ginger slices and boil, lower the heat and simmer slowly for 40 minutes.

   5. Put goji berries, salt, and pepper before the pan, and put the pea seedlings out of the pan.

  Nutrition Review:

  This dish does not contain extraneous oil, but the pure use of rabbit meat is too light and tasteless, so chicken wings are added as an auxiliary material to make the rabbit meat have chicken. taste. The fat in the chicken wings replaces the fat in the soy pot, and the chicken fat is mainly monounsaturated fatty acids, without too much consideration of the problem of saturated fat.

   Fresh bamboo shoots and Matsutake (Agrocybe aegerita) are rich in glutamic acid and aspartic acid, so they are very delicious. The amino acid in rabbit meat is rich and comprehensive, so the method of simmering can let you taste To the delicious taste of the original ecology, and try to retain more nutrients. The wolfberry and pea seedlings not only enhance the intake of pro-vitamin A, but also add a finishing touch.

   This food is a very good holiday diet for high-fat friends and girls who love beauty. If your body is healthy, you can also cook rabbit meat, hot pot, stir-fry and other dishes, but try not to eat barbecue Or crispy rabbit meat, although the taste and taste are relatively strong, but the nutrients are lost too much and the proportion of fat is too high, I hope that the nutrient-rich rabbit meat can bring you healthy and beautiful happiness!

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