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Turnovers from home banquets into nutritious food

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  As the saying goes, people do their best and things are beautiful. Our current living standards are constantly improving, and the sources of food are already very rich, but how to use food perfectly to provide us with rich nutrients is indeed a very real problem.

  When everyone cooks in the kitchen , It is easy to produce some scraps, such as the leftover skin and tendons of the cut meat, the chicken bones left out of the chicken, the fish bones leftover from the fish fillet, the celery leaves left from the processed vegetables, lettuce Leaf, broccoli root, mushroom root, radish skin, radish tassel, etc. Don''t think these are wastes of no use, in fact, every part of the food has a certain amount of nutrients. For example, meat skin and muscle tendon are rich in collagen, chicken bones and fish steak are rich in minerals; lettuce leaves and radish tassel are rich in carotene, chlorophyll and potassium, magnesium and other inorganic salts; radish skin is rich in dietary fiber , Potassium and vitamin C; the root of broccoli is the most discarded part, the skin of this part is relatively old and tough, but after removing the skin, it is actually as delicate and delicious as zucchini, why can''t it be fully utilized?

  Fragrant mushroom meat and bone soup:

   Ingredients: chicken bones, ribs, shiitake mushroom roots, scallops with water, ginger slices, coriander, medlar with water 10 grams.

  Seasoning: salt, vinegar, Huadiao liquor, pepper.


   1. Stir-fry chicken bones, mushroom roots and beef tendon with base oil, cook Huadiao wine for aroma, add ginger slices and stir-fry.

   2. Add cold water to the pot and bring it to a boil, skim off the froth and change to low heat and simmer.

  3. After half an hour, remove the bone residue with oil grate and put in scallops and cook for five minutes.

   4. Put goji berries before the pot, season with coriander and let go.

  Bean-flavored pork skin jelly:

  Materials: 100 grams of cooked soybeans, 300 grams of pork skin, appropriate amount of scallion and ginger, a small bowl of garlic paste.

  Seasoning: salt, soy sauce, MSG.

  Method: After the pork skin is cooked, add soybeans and seasoning to cool and slice to eat.

  Masi lettuce leaves:

  Materials: lettuce tail 300g, sesame paste 50g, a little salt, a little sesame oil.

  Practice: Wash the lettuce tails and drain them for use; add salt in sesame paste, add a little warm water and mix thoroughly, then drizzle a little sesame oil.

  Crispy radish skin:

  Raw material: 300g for various radish skins; a little salt; a little red oil; 100g rice vinegar; cooked sesame 20 G.

  Practice: Wash and drain the radish peel, add salt and rice vinegar and mix thoroughly, add red oil and sesame and mix well.

  Shicai fish bone soup:

  Materials: a pair of grass carp spine bones, lettuce 100g, water hair wolfberry 20g, green onion and ginger shreds.

  Seasoning: salt, MSG, a little pepper, 5 cups of boiling water.

   Appliance: a handful of oil grate.


   1. Cut lettuce into shreds and shallot and ginger into shreds for use.

   2. Put the base oil in the pot, stir-fry the fish bones to give a fragrance, put 5 cups of boiling water and boil.

   3. After adjusting the flavor, add onion ginger shreds, lettuce shreds, wolfberry, and boil to season.

   Only you can’t think of it, but you can’t. As long as there is no toxic part of the food, it can be developed and used, so that not only waste is eliminated, but also more nutrients can be ingested.

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