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I can't stand what I can eat

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  In winter, old people exercise much less than young people, and their metabolism slows down, and their bodies are more likely to feel cold. So, what can you eat to best resist the bitter cold? First of all, someone will think of hot pot. Eating hot pot in winter can be regarded as the most appropriate diet. It is true that eating hot pot will make people feel hot and happy, but occasionally it is okay, it is not realistic to eat every day. So, what other food is best for the elderly to keep out the cold in extremely cold weather?

  Cold diet for the elderly:

  The elderly don’t have much exercise, they are used to wearing thicker, and gastrointestinal functions Compared with young people, it should be based on easy-to-digest carbohydrate foods, supplemented by relatively easy-to-digest tender meat rich in heme iron, and then matched with appropriate amounts of soy products, fungus algae, and vegetables And fruit. The most suitable warm-up foods for the elderly in winter are: ravioli with meat filling, assorted lump soup, fungus chicken blood soup, lamb hot and sour soup, shrimp porridge, oyster pork noodle soup.

  Red meat is rich in high-quality protein and heme iron. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University in the United States have found through research that iron deficiency in human blood will significantly reduce cold resistance. Then, eating red meat or animal offal will better supplement the iron needs in the body. Red meat is nothing more than a huge amount of animal meat, but no matter whether it is tender lamb, venison or pork tenderloin, older people with poor teeth will stop the teeth, and the teeth are not good enough to chew the meat. It is difficult to digest and absorb nutrients.

   Therefore, the elderly are more suitable to eat some small meat, such as beef rich in high-quality protein, heme iron, w-3 fatty acids or protein-rich lamb with l-carnitine, pork chopped into meat Puree, plus fresh vegetables and mushrooms to make buns, dumplings or wontons, is perfect for eating this way. Moreover, in winter, soups, water, and steamy foods will warm the body, not only because the hot soup will warm the body, but also because the hot soup will enter the stomach and cause the stomach blood vessels to dilate, when the blood flow of the digestive system After speeding up, it is easier to help digestion and promote the absorption of nutrients, so it will provide heat to the body faster.

  Similarly, the pimple soup made with reasonable meat and meat is a very simple and nutritious food in winter. Cut the meat into shredded meat or thin slices, sizing with a little salt and starch, and add the shredded meat or slices when the pimple soup is almost ready. It will take only half a minute to ripen and be tender and delicious. You can also put some pig blood, potato, egg, edible fungus, tomato, rapeseed and other ingredients in the soup, as long as you want it, put it in.

  However, in order to provide the body with enough heat to keep out the cold, it is still necessary to "make hands and feet" in the food. For example, fungus chicken blood soup, oyster pork noodle soup, and mutton hot and sour soup can be used to reduce the amount of pepper to deodorize and ward off evil stomach, which can promote appetite and help digestion. The elderly are not suitable for eating more peppers, but peppers with relatively mild temperament can often be put in moderation. These types of soups or noodles are rich in heme iron. In winter, the body should take in more iron and vitamin B. This will encourage hemoglobin to carry more oxygen. This is to speed up the conversion of calories in food. The key factor to promote body heat production. Such a simple food with not only staple food but also vegetables, meat, fungi, and eggs must be said to be the most nutritious food for the elderly in winter.

   porridge is often consumed by the elderly in winter, but pure white porridge with side dishes does not have much nutrition and calories. If you eat in summer, it will be troublesome to eat in winter. The diet of the elderly is relatively simple. In winter, in addition to putting some small meat in porridge, we can also put vegetables, dried fruits, and of course, nutritious fish and shrimp, these meats are more suitable for the elderly to eat , And it’s not too cut. Shrimp is a rare warm food ingredient in aquatic products. It has the effect of nourishing and nourishing the kidneys, and is especially suitable for the elderly to eat in winter. If you are worried about the high cholesterol in these meats, add some diced potatoes, yam grains, grains, chestnut or dried tofu, fungus, mushrooms and other foods rich in dietary fiber and plant sterols to help cholesterol metabolism. And make nutrient intake more balanced and reasonable.

  The nutritionally balanced diet suitable for the elderly is also suitable for other vulnerable groups, such as women and children. In fact, compared to 20 or 30 years ago, our food is now very rich. So many nutritious ingredients can be combined to create unlimited seasonal foods with a good combination, making us more healthy and happy!

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