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Eating too finely is more likely to cause diabetes

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  The dramatic increase in diabetes and other modern civilization diseases has a certain social background. It is inextricably linked to rapid economic development, a substantial increase in living standards, and a huge abundance of food supply. Food processing is too fine is one of the causes of diabetes important reason.

  China’s traditional Chinese cuisine has always advocated It’s like “Fat food, fine food, fine food”, that is, I like to process all kinds of food finely, and then cook beautiful food that is completely different from the original ecology. No matter chicken, duck, fish, meat, and various vegetables and other cereals can be processed to the extreme, this is also One of the reasons why Chinese food was famous in the world. However, in the modern society, the first to be able to often enjoy such finely processed delicacies is already a high incidence of nutritional metabolic diseases, and diabetes is the most common among them.

  Fine food processing will lose a lot of dietary fiber, inorganic salts and vitamins, which not only directly lead to excessive digestion in the body, but also greatly increase the sugar index; also because of the large amount of water soluble The loss of sexual vitamin C and B vitamins leads to energy metabolism disorders, which are important causes of diabetes. In addition, the excessively delicate processing of food will also lead to nutritional deficiency diseases such as calcium deficiency and iron deficiency due to the loss of a large amount of inorganic salts.

  The most common thing we do is the refined processing of staple food. The present rice noodles and the standard flour and brown rice that I ate as a child 30 years ago are no longer the same. Too much white flour not only loses dietary fiber and B vitamins, but also adds unnecessary non-nutritional ingredients, such as whitening agents. Needless to say, rice is not only grinded to remove surface substances rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, but also polished! In my thesaurus, polishing is basically a metal or leather processing technology, but people who are good at eating This process is still introduced into the food processing industry. Does this mean the progress of the times? Too fine rice noodles will be quickly digested in the stomach, while raising blood sugar GI The peak is the main cause of postprandial hyperglycemia.

   And these foods pass slowly in the intestine because of the lack of dietary fiber, which is one of the culprits that induce constipation and colon tumors! The nutrient-rich, low blood sugar production index is coarse Coarse grains have long become a model of "coarse grains and fine grains". Various types of coarse grains are also popular after peeling, milling, dill, animal fats, sugars, and even pigments with too much saturated fatty acid added, and then cooking or deep-frying. Foods that are very good for controlling diabetes and blood sugar have lost their sights yesterday and become a potential health concern.

In addition to all kinds of ready-to-eat food, the fine processing of    meat mainly comes from the excessive processing of catering. For example, a chef will shred or slice a piece of meat after washing, soak to remove blood water, squeeze out water, put tender meat powder and seasoning, after sizing, grease or dry at high temperature, and then fry, this is the most common dish processing procedure. However, this most common raw material processing method will lose a large amount of water-soluble inorganic salts, such as potassium and heme iron, a small part of fat and protein. The correct method should be: directly cut and slice clean meat pieces, without adding tender meat powder, lightly adding salt and egg whites, starch sizing, using water or low temperature oil slip, drain the fat and cook directly.

   Cooking seafood has the most problems. Most seafood is high-protein or high-quality protein food. Because it is the first choice of high-end dishes, many dishes are processed in a careful way to show their dignity. The processing of some seafood requires not only bone removal, but also chopping and chopping mud after soaking and washing, and then cooking and deep-frying. The nutritional damage of steamed food is still relatively small, as long as you don’t soak too much, don’t discard the original soup. However, in addition to the loss of protein, vitamin B, and a part of unsaturated fatty acids, the seafood after fine processing did not come to mind: its eating time is shortened! Because it does not need to laboriously stab and bone, it can be directly imported. After swallowing things, I inadvertently eat a lot. As a result, the speed of eating is increased, the total amount of food intake is increased, and the calorie intake is increased, which also indirectly causes excess energy and thus induces diabetes. Nutritional and metabolic diseases.

  Vegetable and other vegetable ingredients are finely cooked, but there is also a "fine work". A few years ago, a popular dish called spicy potato shreds. Potatoes are arguably the cheapest of vegetables, generally at the price of RMB80. However, after processing a one-dollar potato in the hands of the chef, it can be sold for more than a dozen or twenty pieces. This "gourmet" taste is spicy and crispy. With the symphony in your mouth, you really can''t easily connect what you eat with potatoes! How does it work?

  First choose A slightly larger potato, cut into very uniform filaments by the skillful cutter of the side dish chef, rinse the starch with water and dry it (to prevent the browning of the potato filaments), then fry it in 200°C hot oil Remove until golden and crispy. Drain the pepper, stir-fry chili, green onion and ginger, carrot and other ingredients in the pot, add the fried potato crisps, stir fry and season. Everyone can easily imagine that after immersing the shredded potato shreds in water, a lot of nutrients such as starch, water-soluble vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium are lost. After high-temperature frying, there are few remaining nutrients. Although this dish can satisfy your appetite and enjoy the instant pleasure between the teeth and cheeks, what else can you get? Of course there is a lot of fat! The surface area of the potatoes increases geometrically after being cut into shreds, and each The potato shreds are covered with fat again, then this dish becomes a high-calorie vegetarian dish!

   As for our most common fresh fruit, I won’t go into details here, if you still In a healthy state, without losing the chewing function, I still recommend eating as much whole fruit as possible, even if the fruit pieces are good, drink less so-called freshly squeezed juice. The probability of nutrient loss there is very high, and a large amount of antioxidants in fruits: vitamin C, polyphenols, and anthocyanins are all oxidatively lost due to the rupture of fruit cells.

   personally believes that in the era when people pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and pursue dietary nutrition, the foods that "do not get tired of eating fine food and eat fine food" should be minimized. The modern healthy diet that should be strongly promoted is: fresh, Foods that are green, original, simple processed, cooked at low temperature, and eaten in time.

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