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Talk about soy milk

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

   There are many types of soybean products, which can be generally divided into two categories: non-fermented soybean products and fermented soybean products. Soy milk, tofu brain, tofu, dried tofu, yuba, vegetarian chicken, canned soybeans, etc. are non-fermented soy products; tempeh, fermented bean curd, stinky tofu, soy juice, bean paste, etc. are fermented soy products. Although soybean sprouts also belong to "soybean products", their main nutrients have changed a lot compared with soybeans, and their nutritional value belongs to the category of vegetables, and is one of the good sources of vitamin C.

   1. Soymilk nutrition

  The advantage of soymilk is that it retains the nutrients and health ingredients in soybeans to the maximum, because in its production process, there is no like tofu, dried tofu Like the yuba, it needs to go through the "water washing" process, so that vitamins, soy isoflavones, oligosaccharides and other water-soluble components can all be retained. Now, in the case of soymilk made from soymilk in some households, it is not even necessary to remove the okara, all retain the rich protein, dietary fiber and minerals in the soybean, and the nutrition is more abundant. Therefore, we should particularly recommend soy milk, especially the soy milk that is made by the household soy milk machine. When drinking soybean milk on an empty stomach, adding a small amount of sugar (5% to 10%) can make the soy milk''s calorie source more balanced. If you do not add sugar, it is also a perfect match with other sugar-rich foods such as buns and bread.

  2. Home-made soy milk

  The advantages of home-made soy milk are: ① reliable quality, real price, economical and economical; ② nutrition and hygiene, without adding any food industry additives, closer Soybean original flavor; ③more or less random, the flavor can be adjusted, the pattern is renovated. Adding a small amount of peanuts to the home-made soymilk can make the soymilk more fragrant and smooth; it can also add black beans, green beans, corn, sesame, etc. according to your taste preferences for more comprehensive nutrition; you can also add honey and coconut after the soymilk is made Juice, condensed milk, chocolate, etc., not only supplement the nutrition, but also enrich the taste. After the homemade soymilk is filtered, the remaining residue (bean dregs) is rich in nutrients, which is especially beneficial to the middle-aged and elderly people. Of course, not only soybean dregs, but also the soy milk can be used to steam rice, porridge, steamed nest, steamed egg custard. Various patterns enrich the family dining table.

   Soymilk has many styles, among which the fully automatic operation is simple and convenient. Making soy milk with a fully automatic soy milk machine ensures that the soy milk is boiled. Generally, when the soybean milk is boiled to about 85°C, foam will appear on the surface, just like boiling in a pot. This phenomenon is called “false boiling” of soybean milk, and it is caused by the role of saponin in the soybean milk. At this time, the anti-nutritional factors in soybeans such as trypsin inhibitors, plant hemagglutinin, etc. have not been completely destroyed, and food poisoning will occur after consumption. Soymilk must be boiled to 100°C and kept on low heat for more than 8 minutes before it can be safely consumed.

   3. Choose soy milk powder carefully

   Many people find it troublesome to use the soy milk machine. Even if you use the fully automatic soy milk machine, you still have to clean and arrange it yourself. . Some people may not be able to use the soymilk machine to make soymilk due to conditions. You can also buy soy milk on the market at this time, but pay attention to the quality of the product. Some commercially available soy milk is not freshly squeezed, but is prepared with soy milk powder. Of course, there are also those who sell soy milk powder directly. The advantages of soy milk powder are instant, convenient and good taste, but it also has unavoidable shortcomings. Looking at the ingredients listed in its ingredients table, you can find that most of the soy milk powder contains sucrose content ≥60%. The content of sucrose in soybeans is extremely low, and home-made soymilk does not contain sucrose (except for added sucrose). In other words, most of the products in this category are sucrose added. It is better to say it is sucrose powder than soy milk powder!

  Some soy milk powders are claimed to be "sucrose-free" without sucrose added , But added sucrose substitutes such as "malt syrup", which is essentially sugar. The benefits of adding sucrose or sucrose substitutes not only make the soy milk taste sweet and taste good, but also increase the volume (weight), "saving" costs. There are some products simply called "sugar-free soy milk powder", and the ingredients list does not add sugar such as sucrose, maltose syrup, reducing sugar, etc. The sweetness mainly comes from the added artificial sweeteners (such as cyclamate, Aspen Batumi, etc.). Not to mention that these artificial sweeteners may be more harmful to health than sugar, and the amount alone will cause serious problems. The sweetness of artificial sweeteners is very high (tens or hundreds of times that of sucrose), generally only a little bit is enough to be sweet enough, so the volume (weight) of the product cannot be increased, and the cost cannot be reduced, so Also add some cheap raw materials that can increase the volume (weight)-usually starch, dextrin or generally labeled as "sugar", in fact, soybeans (or home-made soybean milk) is almost free of starch, dextrin some type of. In addition, many soymilk powders and soymilk products contain ingredients such as non-dairy creamer, emulsifiers, and flavors, which are used to improve the blending properties and tastes, but are harmful to health. Based on the above, we recommend using a soymilk machine to make soymilk instead of using soymilk powder to make soymilk.

   There are many common misunderstandings about soybean milk. For example, some people compare soy milk with milk, and according to their respective nutritional characteristics, come to the saying that "men drink milk and women drink soy milk" and "children drink milk and old people drink soy milk". In fact, soy milk and milk have their own nutritional characteristics and cannot be replaced with each other, and whether milk or soy milk is beneficial to men, women, the elderly, and children. Others say that soy milk cannot be eaten with milk or eggs because the anti-nutritional factors (such as trypsin inhibitors) in soy milk can interfere with the digestion and absorption of milk or chicken white matter. The fact is that after soy milk is fully heated, most of the anti-nutritional factors have been destroyed and inactivated, and the interference with protein digestion and absorption is very small. The milk (or eggs) and the protein contained in the soy milk itself can be smoothly digested and absorbed.

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