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Which fruit is best to eat in winter

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Pomelo is also called Wen Dan, and there is a funny name called "tossing". I think it is because of its large size, it is often thrown down from the tree when picking to get its verb. Grapefruit is one of the seasonal fruits that everyone often eats in winter. It is not only large in meat but also cheap in quality. Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit tastes sweet and sour, and is cold in nature, which can strengthen the stomach and eliminate food, lower blood pressure and reduce fat, and nourish the face and clear the lungs.

   research findings, Grapefruit pulp is very rich in vitamin C and insulin-like ingredients, so it has the effects of lowering blood sugar, lowering blood fat, beauty and weight loss. In winter, eating moderate amounts of grapefruit often has a good therapeutic effect on hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular diseases.

  Pomelo has high nutritional value and low calorie content. It contains very rich organic acids, multi-vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and other essential trace elements. Because grapefruit is rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), it can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, promote wound healing, and has a good auxiliary effect on sepsis. Vitamin C is one of the most easily lost nutrients. Eating more grapefruit in winter can help the body absorb enough vitamin C. In addition, everyone will eat more meat in winter, which often causes problems of indigestion and excessive cholesterol intake, and grapefruit is rich in pectin and physiologically active substance dermoside, which can effectively help digestion and removal Cholesterol and lower blood viscosity, thereby reducing the formation of thrombosis, also has a good preventive effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral thrombosis and stroke. Fresh grapefruit contains many ingredients similar to insulin, which is an ideal food for diabetics.

  Normal people can eat about half a catty of grapefruit meat every day. Eating too much grapefruit at one time will also make the digestive tract uncomfortable, so it is better to eat it in moderation. People with diabetes consume 150 grams of grapefruit meat every day without adversely affecting elevated blood sugar. Patients with high blood pressure and high blood fat can eat high-potassium and low-sodium grapefruit meat to help ensure potassium and sodium balance and have a good health effect on the body, but patients with high blood potassium and gastric ulcers and gastritis are not suitable for consumption, so as not to increase Blood potassium index may increase gastrointestinal irritation.

   The grapefruit flesh is sweet and sweet. It can be eaten directly or juiced. You can also use warm water and honey to brew the crushed grapefruit. Regular drinking in winter can not only improve the stomach and beauty, but also avoid the cold grapefruit. Stimulation of digestive tract by organic acids in meat. The grapefruit meat is sweet and delicious, and the peel is also a good ingredient. In the winter, try to eat some alternative delicacies prepared by the grapefruit peel. In addition to avoiding waste, it will also protect the body. You can cut the outer layer of blue-yellow epidermis first, and leave the white and thick inner skin inside.

   Blanch the peeled pomelo in boiling water for 10 minutes, then soak it in clean water for 6-8 hours, pick up the squeezed water, and soak it in clean water. Repeat this way until the green flavor in the grapefruit peel is removed, then cut it into pieces for frying water, boiling soup or cooking dishes, and meat. Grapefruit peel can be used for direct decoction without processing. It can also be used as an auxiliary treatment drink for pneumonia in children or for soaking feet in winter night to prevent frostbite. Grapefruit is a treasure all over the world. May this lovely fruit accompany you in a happy and healthy winter.

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