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How to grasp the right amount of drinking in festivals

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Excessive drinking will cause a lot of problems. In addition to health problems, there are also couples'' feelings and safe driving. But it is not to say that drinking alcohol has all harm and no benefit. If you can control yourself without compromising safety, a small amount of drinking still has certain benefits. It can speed up blood circulation, promote metabolism and improve insomnia. A small amount of drinking can also promote gastrointestinal blood circulation, increase the secretion of digestive juice, and help digestion and absorption of food.

   So, how much alcohol do you drink? What about the right amount? Under healthy conditions, men can consume 25 grams of alcohol per day, which is one or two 50-degree white spirits, 38-degree white spirits, one or two halves, and a glass of 12-degree beer. For women''s physical reasons, in addition to not recommending drinking high-level liquor, the daily drinking volume is also half that of men. If you can grasp the amount of wine, drinking beer, rice wine or red wine in an appropriate amount is still possible.

   Such as beer, beer contains nearly 20 kinds of amino acids, more than ten kinds of vitamins, especially vitamin B1 is rich in content, known as "liquid bread". But beer is also wine, and its calorie is also very high. The calorie of a bottle of beer is equivalent to two bowls of rice or three bowls of noodles. Moreover, beer has a fast calorie metabolism, which easily causes the accumulation of calories in other foods, causing obesity and forming what we often call "beer belly". And the content of purine in beer is higher than other alcohols, so it is more likely to cause gout. Many people like to eat seafood or animals when drinking water. This habit is more likely to induce gout.

   Dry wine generally has an alcohol content of 12 degrees. It is a relatively healthy fruit wine. Dry red wine contains various minerals and antioxidants such as tannic acid and resveratrol. Drinking about one or two dry red wine in moderation every day has a certain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health effect, which can prevent thrombosis, reduce blood viscosity and prevent arteriosclerosis. However, red wine is also wine, and excessive drinking also has many health risks, especially some sweet wines are not suitable for health care because of their high sugar content.

   Rice wine is a kind of liquor unique to our country, which is fermented with grain. During the brewing process of rice wine, the starch, fat and protein of grain are decomposed into small molecules of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids. In addition to the richer aroma, the nutrients are more easily absorbed by the body, and the amino acid content in rice wine is higher than other Alcohol, so it has a higher health effect. Rice wine is divided into southern Huadiao wine or rice wine and various old wines in the north. Rice wine has a high content of various amino acids, vitamins and organic acids. It is commonly used as a health-care wine. It is generally suitable for drinking in winter. It can be heated and consumed. It is more appropriate to drink about two or three per day.

  Elderly people drink less or no alcohol according to their own health. Maternal and minor children should not drink alcohol, even alcoholic beverages are not necessary. These people can drink some tea or freshly squeezed fruit juice, but it is best not to drink too much sweet drinks, because the nutrients in sweet drinks are relatively lacking, and there are many pigments or preservatives, which will not bring any health benefits , Especially the carbonate content of carbonated beverages is relatively high, will affect the intake of calcium, regular drinking carbonated beverages is easy to make the body lack of calcium.

  Finally, if you drink alcohol during the holiday season, in addition to suggesting that you must control the amount of alcohol, promote healthy drinking, especially during the holiday season, you must pay attention to: first select the wine brewed by a legitimate manufacturer, do not try to buy cheap With three products or fake wine, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to the joyous festival. Secondly, don''t drink alcohol on an empty stomach, so as not to cause alcohol to cause severe gastrointestinal irritation, not only easier to get drunk, but also more serious gastrointestinal damage.

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