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What is the impact of female long-term vegetarian diet

Male  29 years old 2018-06-29
I just insisted on eating vegetarian food for a week, and I often feel that I have no energy. What effect will a long-term vegetarian diet have?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Mamie Doris 2018-06-29
    Female vegetarian diet will cause imbalance of the proportion of carbohydrate, protein and fat in the human body, resulting in malnutrition, decreased memory and reduced immunity. As the food contains too little protein, the endocrine and metabolic functions are impaired, leading to disturbance of the menstrual cycle. The fertility is affected, and anemia is easily caused. A long-term vegetarian diet will also cause a reduction in stomach acid and digestive enzymes, and may even cause loss of appetite or anorexia, so long-term vegetarian diet is not allowed.

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