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How to eat dumplings

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Dumplings are a traditional food with a long history in the northern region. As the saying goes, "comfortable is worse than inverted, and delicious is worse than dumplings." Dumplings are also relatively balanced food. General dumplings have flour, vegetables, meat or eggs. Of course, there are dumplings that do not use flour for skin. No matter what kind of dumplings, they are all cooked at low temperature and original.

  We often eat classic dumplings Pork scallions, pork cabbage, beef carrots, lamb parsley, egg leeks, shrimp skin small cabbage stuffing, a bowl of dumpling soup, two or three petals of Laba garlic, all together!

  As a Yantai man who grew up by the sea, Our favorite food is Bayu Dumplings. This kind of dumplings not only needs fresh Bayu fish that has just been caught and flashed in rainbow light, but also needs tender leeks to match. The most important thing is dumpling skin! Bayu The skin of fish dumplings is very different. It is as big as an adult man''s entire palm, so the packaged Bayu dumplings are shaped like a crescent moon and the size of a vegetable box.

   Spanish mackerel can be very fishy, but when it is paired with fresh leeks, the juice becomes delicious. Such dumplings are paired with vinegar mustard oil and Laba garlic. Five or six.

   talked about the dumplings in the north, there is a very strange dumpling in the south-no dough! This kind of dumplings is called "egg dumplings", also called "gold dumplings". Egg dumplings are usually filled with pork, horseshoe, shrimp and leek into a thick dumpling filling. The dumpling skin is spread with egg liquid in a non-stick pan to form a 7-8 cm diameter thin egg skin, and then the filling is quickly placed on one side of the egg skin, and the other side is covered with chopsticks to cover the dumpling filling. Press on the edges.

   Egg dumplings are fried on both sides into golden brown and then put out. Put them in a casserole stewed with chicken broth, cabbage, mushrooms, tofu, vermicelli, sea rice, quail eggs and meatballs, which means family reunion and a lot of money !

   In fact, the cabbage and pork dumplings that we often eat can also be made original and delicious. My experience is: mince pork with minced seaweed, season with scallion and ginger water, soy sauce and salt, add egg white and beat hard . Wash and mince Chinese cabbage and add salt to kill the soup. After the vegetable soup is filtered, use it to beat the meat. Put the good meat in the refrigerator and refrigerate for a while before making dumplings. Such dumplings are delicious and original, so try it if you don’t believe it!

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