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What health to eat on the high-speed rail

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Some people say that the box lunch on the high-speed rail is too unpalatable, I would rather eat instant noodles. Someone said that instant noodles are unhealthy, and the whole car is full of instant noodles, which is uncomfortable. Now the transportation is convenient, more and more people take the high-speed rail, eating on the high-speed rail, in addition to the choice of fresh high-speed rail lunch (some people want to make bricks), of course, there are other food. Let me first think of the convenience food on the trip, and then because of the professional problems of the dietitian, I immediately thought of the nutrition and health.

  Take the high-speed rail frequently brought food: Instant noodles, bread, potato chips, cola, sprite, black tea, green tea, fruits, nuts, sausages, roast chicken, duck neck, spiced tea leaves, etc. You can simply comment:

  Instant noodles or instant noodles

   is eaten when it is inconvenient, but we often choose it first when it is inconvenient. For example, when traveling, whether traveling or traveling, when there is no other better food, instant noodles and potato chips can be selected. At least they also provide heat. However, when we usually have a wide selection of foods, the convenience foods mentioned above stand aside.

  Bread and individually packaged cakes

   is the main source of carbohydrates and is considered to be the most common food on the road, but some breads on the road add sugar or fat Too many, not the preferred category. Cakes such as egg yolk pie are also high-sugar and high-calorie foods, not the first choice; of course, some ordinary cakes such as honey cakes and white cakes can still be thought of. You can choose bread, plain bread, and ordinary cakes, but it is not the only food. You also need to add vegetables (such as small tomatoes, small melons) and fruits.

  Cola Sprite tea drinks

   as a drink can provide calories that can not be underestimated, but basically no other nutrients intake. For some people who are overweight, diabetic, hyperlipidemia, and fatty liver, do not drink less than a last resort. The so-called last resort is that there is really no drink or water to drink.

  Roast chicken, duck neck

   is a protein food with flavor, which not only provides calories and protein, but also a food with a strong sense of satiety, but Strict attention should be paid to food safety. To buy vacuum-packed foods within the shelf life, bulk foods are not recommended.


   is the most tasteful snack, and it is also a delicacy that most people like to see. It is just that the most common walnuts also have 50% the above is fat, melon seeds, cashew nuts, hazelnuts are all scary with high calories. Nut food is recommended to be about 15 grams per day, too much will bring high calories and cause overheating. This is mainly because nuts with high protein, high fat and high dietary fiber require too much water and coenzyme in the process of digestion and metabolism, otherwise it is easy to dry tongue or mouth ulcers.

  Recommended food pairing during the trip

  1, bread, cakes-vitamin bread, whole wheat bread, side buns, brand simple bread and cakes.

   2. A small amount of nuts-raw walnuts, roasted shelled peanuts, shelled hazelnuts, pistachios. Salted and fried nuts are not preferred.

   3. Washed vegetables-the cherry tomatoes or cucumbers that you bring or buy, you can also rinse them in the car. According to the situation, the actual conditions do not allow you to occasionally skip vegetables.

   4. Fruits-the first choice is fruits that can be easily peeled, such as bananas, citrus, honey pomelo, litchi, longan.

   5. Drinks-bring your own tea, such as Pu''er tea, Huaguo tea, oolong tea, green tea, etc., just brew it.

  6. Animal food——

  ①Packed milk, yogurt (it doesn’t matter for half a day, the high-speed rail temperature will not exceed 40 degrees, good yogurt will not deteriorate, At most, bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria multiply faster causing yogurt to overacid or release whey.)

  ②Boiled eggs, tea eggs, salted duck eggs, poultry eggs are easier to digest and absorb, and are the best source of protein .

   ③ Vacuum packed salted duck, marinated beef, pork hands and other cooked foods can also be selected as appropriate, but the amount needs to be controlled.

  7. Vegetable protein foods-five-spiced smoked dried, vegetarian chicken, and dried layered tofu can be selected in moderation, but brightly colored and complex taste soy products are best not to choose.

  The key point is that you must pay more attention to water and activities during the journey to reduce blood viscosity caused by weakened blood circulation. Middle-aged and elderly people sitting for a long time can easily cause thrombosis, dizziness and even myocardial infarction.

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