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Is excessive drinking harmful?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   Speaking of drinking, no one knows that the alcohol (that is, ethanol) in the wine has a strong irritation to the mucous membranes of people’s esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, which is not only easy to cause gastric ulcers, but also prone to esophageal cancer, bowel cancer Liver cancer, the risk of over-drinking people is dozens of times higher than the general population. According to statistics, among the various patients who died of cancer, about 5% are related to alcohol consumption. For women, even if they drink a small amount of alcohol, the risk of breast cancer will increase; the greater the amount of alcohol consumed, the more the number of times, the greater the risk. Why does alcohol cause cancer? One of the reasons is that ethanol is a kind of carcinogen, it is not carcinogenic in itself, but encountering carcinogens can accelerate and enhance carcinogenesis.

  Hepatic cirrhosis is also one of the consequences of long-term heavy drinking. 80%—90% Liver cirrhosis patients may be related to drinking; ethanol affects the body’s normal fat metabolism, and even the formation of fatty liver, and Liver cirrhosis develops, and liver cancer reappears on this basis. In addition, a large amount of beer is cited, and fat accumulates in the abdomen, called "beer belly"; fat accumulates in the heart muscle to form a "beer heart"; these are not conducive to health.

  Excessive drinking can increase the risk of stroke. According to statistics, long-term alcoholism can double the risk factor of death from stroke, and more than half of them are people who drink a lot of alcohol, the average life span and working years are greatly shortened.

  Parent drinking also affects the development of the next generation of children. Three months before conception, my father often drank alcohol, and the next generation of children was prone to diseases such as pulmonary artery stenosis, hemangioma, and ureteral dysplasia. The mother drinks a lot of alcohol from 3 months before conception to half a year after the child''s birth, but the child''s mental retardation is low.

  If a large amount of uncontrolled drinking, the normal appetite is often inhibited, affecting the body to obtain nutrients from the normal diet, and alcohol accelerates the metabolism of vitamin B1, causing the body to produce vitamin B deficiency and neurosis , Hand and foot paralysis tremor. Neuritis caused by alcoholism in Western countries takes the top place among neuritis caused by various reasons. It can be seen that drinking alcohol without restraint has many harmful consequences on the body.

  If you drink too much, drinking to the point of being drunk can cause acute ethanol poisoning. Its on-the-spot performance can be divided into three phases: (1) Excited period His face turned red and his speech was endless. (2) Ataxia period The movements are awkward, even out of balance, and the speech is incoherent. (3) Sleeping period The drunken person has a pale complexion, slightly purple lips, dilated pupils, rapid pulse, deep breathing paralysis, and even death. In addition, some people are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

   In short, "a boat can be overwhelmed by water". The same is true for drinking. Proper drinking will have a good effect on the body and has the effect of health care. If you do not control drinking, the transition of drinking will endanger your health.

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