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Is the nutritional value of wild vegetables high?

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  Every spring there will be a lot of people chasing wild vegetables, saying that wild vegetables are pure natural, wild, high nutritional value, many health benefits, and various therapeutic effects. It can be said that people praise wild vegetables very much.

  but in fact This tells only part of the truth, and part of the truth is that the safety of wild vegetables is particularly worrying. Because it is difficult to grow wild vegetables in the whole farmland and the land where crops are grown, because of the widespread application of pesticides. Where are wild vegetables generally picked? Most of them are in the environment of river ditches, mountains, and wasteland. Either drought or water shortage, poor growth conditions, or there is already some pollution, so the safety of wild vegetables is particularly worthy of everyone. Pay attention, don''t just talk about his health benefits! Also pay attention to its safety.

  Unless you The wild vegetables eaten are grown in a greenhouse and dug in the ground, which is quite safe. If you are digging wild vegetables from mountains, riversides, and wasteland, you must be extra careful. In short, it is possible to try wild vegetables occasionally in the spring, but don’t eat them often, don’t eat a lot, and don’t think wild vegetables are necessarily good.

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