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Teaches you like a sample of dark chocolate

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-25

  In the eyes of dark chocolate fans, dark chocolate is considered to be real chocolate, and its unsweet taste will whirling between lips and teeth, which is fascinating. In fact, dark chocolate is also rich in polyphenols, theobromine and other substances. It has good health care effects and can taste the wonderful flavor in the same way as wine tasting.

  1. You must first find a quiet place

  The quieter the place you are in, the more helpful you will be to focus your attention on the taste of dark chocolate. Therefore, it is best to avoid places that are too noisy or smelly, such as a living room where a TV is turned on, or where crying children are nearby.

   2. Clean the mouth and taste buds

   This means that the taste of the previous meal must not be left in the mouth. Therefore, before tasting chocolate, you can drink water, eat apples or bread to clean your mouth.

   3. The dark chocolate block should not be too small

   minimum preparation 10g Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate will slowly melt in the mouth, if it is too small, you may not be able to feel some of the delicate flavors. In this respect, dark chocolate is similar to red wine because its flavor is gradually radiated instead of sprayed at once.

   4. Before tasting, let the dark chocolate stay at room temperature for a while

   Let the dark chocolate adapt to the room temperature for a while to better taste the flavor.

  5. When tasting, the first step is to look at the color of dark chocolate

   dark chocolate generally presents different shades of brown, such as purple, red, orange, etc. At the same time, the packaging of high-quality chocolate is graded and tight, the surface of the chocolate is flawless, and the color is uniform.

   6. Break the dark chocolate in half and listen to the "sound" of dark chocolate

  The quality of dark chocolate is relatively hard, and it will produce a crisp sound when broken, the cross section Smoother.

  7. Smell the aroma of chocolate

  Smell whether the aroma of dark chocolate is pure, especially at the cross-section, paving the way for the perception of the tongue behind. Dark chocolate is usually baked at a high temperature, and it will emit a rich and slightly sour aroma.

   8. Taste dark chocolate

   Put dark chocolate into the mouth, chew into small pieces first, and then let it melt, after all, we are tasting chocolate instead of just eating chocolate !And this will make the cocoa butter in the black chocolate evenly distributed in the mouth, it will not be so bitter.

  9. How do you feel the texture and texture of dark chocolate?

  When dark chocolate melts, close your eyes and feel the flavor of it wrapped on your tongue, and your nose should also be able to feel More volatile substances. The texture of dark chocolate is the best reflection of its quality. Those with poor quality will have a grainy texture similar to cement, while those with high quality have a smooth and smooth texture.

   10. How about the aftertaste of chocolate, record your feelings

  After tasting, does the aftertaste of dark chocolate last? The dark chocolate aftertaste with bad quality is very short, with some Metallic or unpleasant taste. In addition, is the dark chocolate tasted this time bitter? Rich or light taste? Smooth texture or grainy? Does the texture and flavor change? Using a pen to write down the answers to these questions will help you find your favorite dark chocolate.

  The tasting of dark chocolate is over. Look, smell, taste and sum up. If you take a closer look, it’s really similar to wine tasting. In fact, other chocolates can also be tasted in the same way, foodies may wish to give it a try! However, remember to clean the mouth in the middle of eating different chocolates.

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