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Inadvertent diet troubles-what are the common dietary carcinogens

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  In people’s daily life, cancer is the enemy of human health. It has been reported that more than 60% of cancer patients are digestive system tumors, such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, and intestinal cancer. Which foods can cause cancer and promote cancer has now become a widespread concern. At present, there are more than 200 kinds of carcinogens listed by the World Health Organization, among which there are three main types: nitrosamine, aflatoxin, 3,4-benzopyrene. The following analysis of these three carcinogens in the diet:

  (1) Nitrosamine. It is formed by the combination of nitrite in food and secondary amines (an intermediate product of protein metabolism) in the body. It is a strong carcinogen, which can cause canceration of all tissues and organs of the human body, and is the most harmful to the liver, throat, esophagus, and stomach. It can not only cause chronic carcinogenesis in a small dose for a long time, but also can suddenly become cancerous with a large dose. Commonly found in rotten vegetables, pickles, salted fish, bacon and other preserved foods contain more nitrite, long-term consumption of these foods can significantly increase the incidence of cancer.

   (2) Aflatoxin. It is a very strong carcinogen. The carcinogenic toxicity of nitrosamine is 75 times higher, and it is particularly easy to cause liver cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, and lung cancer. Epidemiological investigations have found that areas with a high incidence of liver cancer in my country are closely related to the consumption of food heavily contaminated with aflatoxin by local residents. Aspergillus flavus is widely present in nature, easily contaminating peanuts, corn, cottonseeds and wheat, dried potatoes, rice, beans, etc. Especially in warm and humid conditions, it grows rapidly and can produce a large amount of toxins. After eating these moldy foods, it can cause cancerous tissue cells.

  (3)3,4-benzopyrene. It is a strong carcinogen of cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. According to animal experiments, it is more carcinogenic than aflatoxin. A dose of 10 mg can make the incidence of gastric cancer in mice as high as 85.2%; and whether it is oral, inhalation or skin contact, it can cause cancer in humans and animals. 3,4-Benzenepyrene is more abundant in smoked fish food and fragrant smoke. It is the culprit of lung cancer. The incidence of lung cancer among smokers is more than 10 times higher than that of non-smokers, and "passive smokers" also suffer from it.

   In addition, some bad eating habits, such as long-term high-fat, lack of cellulose diet, can increase the incidence of bowel cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer; diet iodine deficiency, easy to cause thyroid tumors; lack of protein And vitamin B complex, easily cause liver cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer; some food additives such as flavors, pigments, preservatives, sweeteners, etc., also have carcinogenic effects; eating hot food, fast food and squatting habits, you can Cause gastrointestinal tumors.

   For health, my purpose is to introduce relevant knowledge, improve bad eating habits, reduce illness and improve the quality of life. Good luck to everyone!

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