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Spring food "green"-talking about wild vegetables

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   When it comes to green, people will naturally think of the bud green that looks good in spring, which makes people want to go green! We also often talk about eating green leafy vegetables is beneficial to health, and spring is the golden season to eat green leafy vegetables, Because most of the green leafy vegetables listed in spring are overwintering vegetables, the green leafy vegetables that grow slowly after winter are rich in nutrients. Various minerals, various vitamins, and chlorophyll are more vegetables than other seasons. They are also tender and juicy, and the taste is fragrant. In addition, the winter temperature is low, there is no insect damage, and there is little interference from pesticides. It is safe to eat and has high medicinal value. It is especially beneficial to human health. Therefore, the wild vegetables in green leaf vegetables are more concerned about. "Green" wild vegetables in the middle!

  Most wild vegetables are abundant in spring. Wild vegetables contain a large number of biologically active ingredients that enhance human immunity, such as polysaccharides, biological flavonoids, saponins, chlorophyll, and yellow-green. It has a positive effect on improving cardiovascular function, eliminating free radicals in the body, and enhancing the body''s antioxidant.

  Eating wild vegetables in spring is also in season. There are many particularities about eating wild vegetables, and reasonable consumption is more important. The buds that can be bought now on the market, and in a few days there will be tender buds on trees like Yulin Qian and Zanthoxylum Buds, which are very popular among people. People often use these sprouts to cook dishes (such as noodle dishes, porridge side dishes, bibimbap dishes) or steamed food. If they are fried directly, the taste is not ideal. It is recommended to use hot water. It can remove oxalic acid and change the taste.

  In addition, in order to prevent poisoning of edible wild vegetables, detoxification treatment should be done before consumption. First select the boiled wild vegetables, and then soak in clean water, the water must be changed frequently during the soaking process, the soaking time should not be less than two hours. In addition, some wild vegetables contain trace amounts of toxins and should be consumed with caution. Such as mountain garlic and yam vegetables. Here is a reminder: Although wild vegetables are good, do not eat at will (unrecognized wild vegetables) to prevent poisoning!

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