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Gu Yuhua diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-12

  Peach blossoms are blooming during the rainy season. It is said that the rainwater at this time is peach blossom rain or peach blossom flood. The gentle rain is coming, and the obvious increase of rainwater is conducive to the vigorous growth of plants. Since the Guyu Festival, the temperature has accelerated again. The abundant rainwater has irrigated the newly planted seedlings and newly planted crops, which is also a good time for the growth of the grain. The busy farming has begun.

  Just as the old saying says: "One waits for Ping Shi; two waits for Ming Dou to brush its feathers; three waits for Dai Ren to fall on the mulberry." It means that after the rain in the valley, the amount of rain increased and duckweed It started to grow, then the cuckoo reminded people to start planting, and then the hoopoe was still seen on the mulberry tree.

  During the rainy season, as the rainfall increases, the humidity in the air gradually increases, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is still obvious. The human body should adapt to the changes in the natural environment to recuperate the body. In the diet, we should pay attention to removing wind and dampness, strengthening muscles and bones, and warming blood. Two dishes are recommended for reference.

   (1) Sweet and Sour Ginger Eggs

  Raw materials: two eggs; ginger 100g;

  Accessories: Sweet and sour salt can be used for seasoning.

   Method: Wash the ginger and cut it into minced pieces, then put the eggs and mix well. Cook in the pan, then add sweet and sour salt to season.

  Efficacy: expelling wind and dispersing cold. Warm the stomach and detoxify.

   Tips: Use Yin deficiency internal heat, eyes red night sweats with caution.

  Recommendation: Breakfast is better.

  (二)Ginger honey cream

  Materials: 250ml of milk, 200ml of ginger juice, 200ml of fresh pear juice, 100ml of white radish juice, 150ml of honey

  Method : Mildly boil milk, ginger juice, fresh pear juice, white radish juice into paste, let cool and add honey. Take 25ml each morning and evening.

  Efficacy: dispel cold and reduce phlegm, moisturize lung and qi.

  Post: It is suitable for those who have long cough and are weak in body and cold.

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